aenigma224's review

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challenging funny informative reflective slow-paced


sigmentalite's review

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otizmli olduğumuz için başladık otizmli olduğumuz için bitirmedik

popapop2's review

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Revolt Against the Modern World by Evola is an amazing treatise into traditional thought and ideology. At times it is very esoteric and difficult to fully process, but it many ways that is part of the charm of this obscure work. Indeed, this book would profit from re-reading it.
However, there are many such occasions when Evola makes very succinct and well thought out points that I find just as relevant today as it was when it was initially written. Evola raises a lot of great points, some points while I don't necessarily agree with line by line, I do get the underlying meaning of it. Truly this was a fascinating read that I highly encourage others to pick up.

sillyschootz's review

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challenging dark emotional mysterious medium-paced


chucklyinacrunch74's review

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challenging slow-paced


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tittypete's review

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This guy is really into the 'traditional world'. That seems to mean antiquity, way way back. The Roman empire being the most recent vestige of this prime time to be alive. He is particularly fond of Kings/Emperors/ruler who are in their place due to divine right. Modern kings don't count because they have the consent of the people which is ridiculous and unnecessary if the dude is supposed to be god on earth. Traditional living also includes an inherently superior aristocracy and is A-OK with caste systems. Women are supposed to serve their husband and find purpose in that. Evola draws on a bunch of mythic shit from Greece to China but is quite smitten by the Indo-Aryans. You can see where this is going. Turns out he was into nazi stuff. Anyway, all the examples he gives about this golden age of kings and crap reads like awesome fodder for epic heavy metal lyrics. It got boring but was a relatively short experience.

mychekhov's review

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challenging dark


All of the evil that has seeped down unto the Telluric dimension of Becoming, the consecrated deluge of despotism that had come to minister civilisation and compartmentalise life into a systematic caste, was first instigated by the supernal, stainless seat of Heaven. ("Stainless¹!" That's the key word.) Primordial man, genetically imbued with an obsession for hierarchal leverage, noticed himself to be at an arms race with the rest of the incipient world, and so quickly appropriated the sun his stock. Just as the notion of the invisible 'atomos' was prevalent even in the ancient world, this progeny understood that the heat of the sun generated all life on earth. (Lol, clearly the chemical process is far more intricate than this—analogous to the 'Self-Manifesting Lord' pouring semen into the waters Nārāyaṇa, begetting the egg of Creation², which stresses the androcratic supposition of masculine substance effectuating the dumb, inanimate womb, but the ancestors were fucking fools and knew not the consequences of what they evoke.) His mien was identified with the reach of its rays, which served as chariot to the virile spirit. After these oh-so brilliant, self-identified 'sons of heaven', to use one of the author's favourite racially-charged verbiage, 'misgenecated' with aboriginal life (i.e. the 'daughters of earth'), the torch of this preeminent virility began to flicker.

The notion "Earth lives in Woman" while "Heaven lives in Man" survived as the prototypical underbelly of civilised populations. In the East, it formed the basis of the pervasive yin/yang duality cemented by Confucius thought. Make no mistake in sniffing out malefic ulteriority. The image of Gaea, essence of Earth, identified as the Black goddess, accompanies demons indigenous to the chthonic undercroft, their terra infirma is disregarded as the 'inferior' substratum, they are the Southern Pole, pockmarked by the vicious sun, in a strange juxtaposition with the realm of the Hyperion, the far North, the golden Aryans... you get the point.

Regality. Patrician. Heroic. Light. North. Solar. Masculine. Being.
Telluric. Plebian. Chthonic. Dark. South. Lunar. Feminine. Becoming.

But, oh no! Just an impartial gadfly! Defends the translator.

Likewise, as Horus shaped Osiris—to summarise the words of Ramses II—He so proudly venerates his father for in venerating his father he venerates himself. Waver not. Subordination to the Gynaecocratic  élan entails an undressing from the Primordial robe. The Church is a crepuscular echo of this relativistic effeminate authority, forcing itself as midwife to blood legacists and thereby denying the aristocratic soul its immanent privilege of infallibility. The advent of Modernity was the irrevocable eclipse of this solar spirituality and "The breaking of [these] natural elements was coupled with the dimming of the sun." Now slaves of all strata cease to find fulfilment in their own enslavement with this loss of the 'ideal' structure. This imperious state of Manhood, the ancestral realm of Being, at ends with the communal properties inherent to the diverse so-called 'promiscuous³' nature of transformation that democratises the corporeal plane, finds in itself a force ebbing and gradating in turn until it is the very simulacra of war; perennially fought between a lofty, imaginative, domineering ancestral Heaven and an exploited, exhausted, colonised aboriginal Earth. This is the Greater War, and it is under these interplanar stars the ascetic cast gathers to enact a grand guignol prognosticating the fate of the near cosmos.

The straightest path one may take in impugning Traditionalist rhetoric is firstly to embrace modern science, particularly Evolutionism, which I see much like a train that has been operating in parallel to the successive regenerative/decaying cycles of civilisation. It is that obvious of a buttress, although scientism and esotericism can ultimately be consolidated... however much it is characteristic of the autocratic spirit to reject all solutions matrimonious. The author, in refusing to adapt to the perspective of his enemy, significantly misconstrues the spatial syntony of the celestial movement that defines our inhabited solar system, failing to consider our genocentric formulae subject to the mathematical parameters set in place by our local macrocosm. He denies us a dialogue when his heliocentric metahistory faces relative insignificance where it is displaced by the coexistence of extrasolar variant systems brandishing a multitude of suns. I suppose he spoke prematurely—There is no place more befitting to quote a great Decadent writer than here at your crypt where you are now bygone, 

"...It is not impossible that some unlooked-for optical improvement may disclose to us, among innumerable varieties of system, a luminous sun, encircled by luminous and nonluminous rings, within and without, and between which revolve luminous and non luminous planets, attended by moons having moons, and even these latter having moons..."

¹The unadulterated, purebred throne.
²Regarding Manu, I deviantly enjoyed his supposed-notations of Divine Legality, as Manu ceases narration following the events of Creation, and relegates responsibility to his progeny, Bhrigu, to paint the finer details of the law. I find it reminiscent of the world's earliest telephone game.
³The author seeks to express his disentiment in enunciating this word as one would a slur.
Not so much a theory as I believe is fact, myself having emerged by aid of her design. And in rebuttal to the notion of chaos embodied by the Telluric dimension of Becoming, I invoke Darwin:

"...Natural selection is continually trying to economise in every part of the organisation. If under changed conditions of life a structure before useful becomes less useful, any diminution, however slight, in its development, will be seised on by natural selection, for it will profit the individual not to have its nutriment wasted in building up an useless structure..."

Wittkop, Exemplary Departures.


(By the by, it's so annoying how both the bitch Translator-Author duo left all the Greek, Latin, Italian, etc words/phrases in their original script and didn't bother to even so much as transliterate them, like, ugh, knowledge belongs only to the sacred few! Bugger off, plebs.)

kongfis's review

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challenging mysterious reflective slow-paced


pwdennis2's review

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challenging dark informative mysterious tense slow-paced

akemi_666's review

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You plunge your digital dick dagger into the digital cunt crocodile. It flips over with a contented sigh and becomes a blob of amorphous red flesh. The crocodile next to it looks up at you with coy eyes, wriggling its tail back and forth with a dexterity unmatched since your last visit to war-torn Nicaragua. Not today, you say, putting your digital dick dagger back into your digital dick sheath. Not today. It's been a long hunt and the sun burns your skin black as opium. You return to your Jeep and head west. You mutter into the radio, war is the true nature of man’s wilderness. There is only static and black smoke. It fills your lungs, like war-torn Nicaragua. You remember the times. You remember the heady smells like childhood. Riding your bike through the spice markets, sandal-heeled. Your father smiling beside a vase of bulging Grecian men.

Salamanders deliver coded messages through the pattering of their toes. They sip the sweat off your arms. It is a fair trade — a just trade. Pure and untainted by the decadent rot of ass. Nature! Savage yet sensuous. You sucked the Malaria out of your veins, like a weaning child. It made you stronger. It gave you a sense of purpose beyond corporate ass and sewage. The corruption that spits into your throat every time you fall asleep, dreaming the rabid dream of modernity. Eternity is the long night of man.

Sometimes you forget it all. You chase a boar through the underbrush. You scream, Walden! Walden! driven by your instincts predator. Your Jeep lies in flames behind you, metallic chassis warped into the face of John Galt. The boar is forever ahead of you and you scream, Walden! Walden! Behind you, the face of John Galt, solemn and immaculate. You reach your arms out, as if to embrace the boar, because you love the world — because you love the world as much as your AR-15, and your Remington tattoo, and your battle against the cuck dragon. The dream always ends the same. The boar runs off the edge of the cliff. The boar would rather kill itself than be touched by you.

Off in the distance, beyond the swaying palms, crocodiles moan for your digital dick dagger. You shout at your reflection in the puddle outside. The sky is the same colour as your mother’s opal necklace the night she was murdered by street thugs with antifa ass tattoos. Get a hold of yourself, get a god damn hold of yourself, you say. You are in control. You are your own Jeep. You are — Owowowowowowo! Suddenly, negro soldiers burst out of their shacks. They surround you, undulating their bodies to your panicked gasps. They fire their AR-15s into the sky, screaming, Yass queen, yass! You are overwhelmed by their mystic incantations. You collapse with a bulging erection and Mother Earth welcomes you into her sweet, savage cunt.

One of your earliest memories is the Nicaraguan spice trade beginning in 1634 when your great great great great great great grandfather declared precolonial Africa terra nullius a ripe site of extraction for the molar economy henceforth known as nitrous oxide suckling geothermal vents through the proxy of slaves. Out of barbarity your grandfather brought Sisyphian fire rolling a crest of thorns holier than Ouranos and you the shining seed of permanent destruction. During black mass self-sufficient women gather beneath the moon and steal the joy from your Belgium grandfather quipping the Congo Styx carved the arms off natives holier than the Conquistadors. The Nicaraguan Savannah taught you all you needed to know about the world. Despite these empty people despite every inch your dick the whole world must be liberated.

Friedrich Hayek once said, if you stare into the abyss long enough the abyss with fuck your wife and steal your job. When your daughter began reading Angelina Jolie’s autobiography, you let it pass. You were a good father — a liberal father. When she began talking about the Black Panther Party, you let it pass. Because you were a good father — a god damn liberal father. Then you stumbled on her TikTok account. You watched her descent into totemic dances, into the irrational savagery of primitive socialism, and you realised you had reared a stranger. You began researching Evangelion and ahegao porn. You watched hours of VTubers eating Mochi Mochi Nippon! You dived into the heart of modern darkness and saw that hidden amidst its proclamations of queer emancipation were the chains of ass worship and crack house womanism — smoke screens to the fallout of a slow motion Hiroshima that had already detonated. You realised man had become a gay ghost.

The Owl of Minerva wakes you at twilight. Submerged in the Nubian River, you are a man off the grid, a spook. You apply a herbal balm to your dick and transform into the Spear of Longinus. You drift down the Nubian River. Along its edges, crocodiles bare their cunts to the sky like sentinels welcoming you home. In the skies, eagles tear at each other’s throats, sending great spurts of blood across the starry hemisphere. Beyond the palms, jungle cats scream. Like the prodigal son, you disowned your comfortable bourgeois trappings and fled to the wilderness of war-torn Nicaragua. You returned to your fatherland to cleanse yourself in the Sacred Fire of Vesta. Now, you take up the mantle of man alone. You return to the origin of yourself, becoming your own cunt to birth a virgin dick. You become your own dick-cunt God and propel yourself into the ass cult of multiculturalism, and out of this triumphant collision your body stretches and expands into a new continent, a continent free of libertine decadence, a continent called Far Cry 6.