A review by tittypete
Revolt Against the Modern World: Politics, Religion, and Social Order in the Kali Yuga by Julius Evola


This guy is really into the 'traditional world'. That seems to mean antiquity, way way back. The Roman empire being the most recent vestige of this prime time to be alive. He is particularly fond of Kings/Emperors/ruler who are in their place due to divine right. Modern kings don't count because they have the consent of the people which is ridiculous and unnecessary if the dude is supposed to be god on earth. Traditional living also includes an inherently superior aristocracy and is A-OK with caste systems. Women are supposed to serve their husband and find purpose in that. Evola draws on a bunch of mythic shit from Greece to China but is quite smitten by the Indo-Aryans. You can see where this is going. Turns out he was into nazi stuff. Anyway, all the examples he gives about this golden age of kings and crap reads like awesome fodder for epic heavy metal lyrics. It got boring but was a relatively short experience.