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bonnieg's review against another edition
This was a 3.5 for me. I thought it started very slowly and then about 1/3 of the way through I started to like it a lot. It was a 3 star start, a 4 star middle and a 5 star ending. These were really great characters, loved them both, and the complications they faced were more authentic than is the norm in these types of books. A fun read that keeps getting better.
kat_tomasco's review against another edition
- Loveable characters? Yes
I loved Agatha! She was no nonsense and was whip smart! Simon was dreamy too and they were a wonderful couple.
adventurepanda's review against another edition
I'm sure this was at least 3.5 stars when I rated this but I honestly don't remember much at all about it so gonna round it down to a 3. I remember that there was a guy who is part of The Liar's Club and is part of this elite government secret service thing, and the woman was connected to someone the main guy was trying to track down. Intriguing premise, but for someone who is a spy for a living, I found that the misunderstandings that occur throughout the book were pretty unbelievable and not what I would expect from someone who uncovers truths for a living. The romance was cute though, but that's all I have to say.
elsililia's review against another edition
Arra jöttem rá, hogy ezeket a könyveket tilos aggyal olvasni, mert ha véletlen azzal olvasnám csak úgy sikongatnék kétségbeesésemben, de azt meg nem akarom, így kikapcsolom a tekervényeket, és amelyik élvezhető az élvezem.
Márpedig az álruhás a maga műfajában nagyon is élvezhető, van benne persze pihegő kebel és márványmellkas, de nem csak és kizárólag. Vannak benne kedvelhető karakterek (némelyik már majdnem tényleg karakter is), kaland, vicceskedés, szívecskék.
Nincsenek teljesen abszurd szereplők, abszurd gondolatok, felesleges rinyálások.
Mi kell még a pihentető vattacukor élményhez?
Na ugye.
Márpedig az álruhás a maga műfajában nagyon is élvezhető, van benne persze pihegő kebel és márványmellkas, de nem csak és kizárólag. Vannak benne kedvelhető karakterek (némelyik már majdnem tényleg karakter is), kaland, vicceskedés, szívecskék.
Nincsenek teljesen abszurd szereplők, abszurd gondolatok, felesleges rinyálások.
Mi kell még a pihentető vattacukor élményhez?
Na ugye.
glowlove's review against another edition
I enjoyed how bold the heroine wasn't a fainting damsel constantly needing to be saved. I appreciated that the hero was attracted to her intelligence and strategy. I think the ending could have been less contrived. The heroine had proven herself by that point and the ending conflict could have been more believable.
ikonicss's review against another edition
Empieza bien y termina bien pero lo del centro una mierda
breezy610's review against another edition
it was okay. for my taste, the romance was a too fast pace and I hated Simon for saying that he can't offer any marriage to Agatha. and I love James for wanting to pound the stuffing out of simon when he messed with her, thinking that she was james's mistress