3ffie's review against another edition

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dark informative reflective slow-paced


I feel like most of the information was common knowledge and didn’t feel like I learned anything from the “wisdom of psychopaths”

garycaulder's review against another edition

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funny informative medium-paced


memelorddafirst's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


beth_books_123's review against another edition

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To summarise this book is close to impossible, the volume of information I learnt from this book was large and it definitely complemented my A level in psychology.

When I picked this book up in the college library, I don't know what I was expecting but I was pleasantly surprised. In terms of reading and understanding, this book was heavy, I was hoping for something to complement my studies and be something light, amusing and help me to understand psychopaths. Now I know what you are probably thinking: light, it is non-fiction, what were you thinking?

The truth is, the mad title of 'The Wisdom of Psychopaths' just made it so enticing and interesting, this it definitely was, it made me realise that psychopaths are not just serial killers and psychopath but it showed you that they are probably in areas of high power.

Limitations of this book I suppose in my opinion are that it is heavy in case studies, and that is the only thing that I don't particularly enjoy in psychology but that is not Dutton's fault.

I will have to commend him for his superb writing to maintain the excitement of psychopaths.

moonbites's review against another edition

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I couldn’t get into it. I found it so boring despite the appealing premise. It was repetitive as well, and didn’t get to any tangible point. I won’t be finishing it.

c3j's review against another edition

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dark informative medium-paced


sanitakacuba's review against another edition

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The title is way too sexy for the book. Note that book is quite academic with way too much references for it to be determined in the storytelling. Argumentation was circular and at the end all I got out of the book was - it is cool to be the good kind of psychopath.
That said, the book was entertaining enough to add the cool cover on your reading list (but that's it).

alex2711's review against another edition

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Wasn't ehat I expected. A bit boring too. Just not for me.

jordynkw's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


lisalit's review against another edition

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Avant de lire ce livre je pensais qu'un psychopathe était forcement violent, agressif et possiblement un meurtrier en série. Mais en fait non, un psychopathe peut très bien être Docteur Johnathan qui t'a refait faire ton nez il y a 3 mois.
J'ai appris tellement de choses grâce à ce livre. La mentalité des psychopathes est un example pour réussir mieux dans notre vie. C'est très étrange dis comme ça mais la manière dont leur cerveau fonctionne est vraiment unique et d'ailleurs très semblable a ceux des moines bouddhistes. A méditer, mais surtout à lire car je peux vous assurer que les psychopathes ont beaucoup beaucoup de choses à nous apprendre. Et puis à la fin de cette lecture vous allez avoir cette curieuse envie d'être vous-même un psychopathe, ça vaut le coup non?