
Um inverno em Lisboa by Antonio Muñoz Molina

nebotdones's review against another edition

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Creo que el libro se divide básicamente en dos partes. La primera, que pretende ser introductoria no atrae en absouluto al lector. Se aleja totalmente de la segunda parte, que se trata de novela policíaca que podriamos decir que es hasta de calidad.

dareenkwaik's review against another edition

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read for spanish lit
not a bad book, honestly v intriguing and beautiful imagery
however I am confused! this is most likely bc this is my first time ever reading a spanish book in full so keep that in mind

aress9's review against another edition

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dark mysterious slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No


christinaalex's review against another edition

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dark mysterious slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character


khader's review against another edition

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بعض القصص تناديك لتقرأها، تواصل العودة الى الواجهة في كل مرة تفكر انك قد نسيتها، تبقى تدقع نفسها الى الامام كي تقرأها، وتدفعك الى انتظارها حتى لو جابت العالم كي تصل بين يديك لتعرف سحرها وتكشف تفاصليها، وهذه كانت قصتي مع "الشتاء في ليشبونة".

لم اتوقع ان تكون بهذا الجمال، لقد كتبها أنطونيو مونيوز مولينا، بمشاعر جمة، بقلب محطم مكسور، بشخصيات متعبة منهكة من الحياة والحب والاصدقاء وحتى الموسيقى وايضاً الوطن. لقد استطاع خلال صفحات هذه الرواية ان ينقل بشفافية قل نظيرها مشاعر النفس وما يعتيرها من تقلبات واوجاع، قبل ان يكشف عن مهارة تشويقية بحتة في سياق النص.

فبين حالة الحب التي كانت بين بطلي قصتنا هنا، استطاع بعدها الكاتب ان يتنقل بنا الى عالم مشوق من جريمة وقتل وانتقام، ثم هرب واختفاء، انه لبلفعل نص غني وساحر، يأخذك من هذا العالم، لينقلك بكل جوارحك واحساسيك هناك ... الى ليشبونة.

carcbtsg's review against another edition

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adventurous mysterious reflective slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated


deea_bks's review against another edition

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Imagine sitting in a corner in a jazz bar and although there’s a lot of smoke, this doesn’t bother you, but rather it adds to the charming atmosphere. Imagine that you are also hearing delightful jazz music. The musicality of the phrases, the jazzy story from the book… got me all dreamy and gave me the feeling that I was mentally transported in this picture. This was my kind of book, definitely.

I enjoyed the first quarter a lot, I was like in a dream…and then, something happened.
I don’t know if my mood these days keeps ruining a bit the passages that I am reading, but at some point I realized that I was reading and the pleasure from the beginning was not there anymore. I was just reading pages, wondering when this book ends so that I can start a new one, feeling a bit too nostalgic and lost among its poetic, still jazzy phrases. So, I am not sure whether I liked this book or not or if I just liked the first part and then I could not connect to the second because it didn’t seem to get anywhere. One thing I know, the jazzy dreamy style really got to me at the beginning and then… I sort of lost track… I don’t know what really happened.

I will therefore rate this with 3 stars, but it might be worth more: the wonderful beginning full of nostalgia, might have been like the rest of the book, but I might have failed to notice just because of being too absorbed by the mundane things that sometimes occupy our minds and thoughts a bit too much.

laazypanda's review against another edition

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dark reflective sad slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


anna_koval's review against another edition

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sad slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


epictetsocrate's review against another edition

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TRECUSERĂ APROAPE DOI ANI DE C ND ÎL VĂZUSEM ULTIMA OARĂ pe Santiago Biralbo, dar când l-am întâlnit din nou, la miezul nopţii în barul Metropolitan, salutul nostru a fost la fel de lipsit de emfază, ca şi cum am fi băut împreună toată noaptea de dinainte, şi nu la Madrid, ci la San Sebastián, în barul lui Floro Bloom, unde el cântase la pian o lungă bucată de vreme.
Acum cânta la Metropolitan, împreună cu un contrabasist negru şi un baterist francez foarte nervos şi foarte tânăr, care părea nordic şi pe care-l numeau Buby. Grupul se chema Giacomo Dolphin Trio: pe-atunci nu ştiam că Biralbo îşi schimbase numele şi că Giacomo Dolphin nu era un pseudonim sonor pentru meseria lui de pianist, ci chiar numele care acum figura în paşaportul său. Mai înainte de a-l vedea, aproape că l-am recunoscut după modul său de a cânta la pian. O făcea de parcă ar fi pus cantitatea cea mai mică posibilă de efort în muzică, ca şi cum ceea ce cânta nici nu avea de-a face prea mult cu el.