
The Traitor Queen by Trudi Canavan

catwithbooks's review against another edition

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Der letzte Teil hat mir wie seine Vorgänger gut gefallen. Ich mochte es das man verschiedene Handlungsstränge hatte, die hier jetzt endgültig zusammen laufen.
Im letzten Teil passiert so einiges, auch muss man hier von geliebten Charakteren Abschied nehmen und für den ein oder anderen hat man sich ein Happy End erhofft.
Denn hier entscheidet sich Lorkins weiterer Weg. Die Herrschaft in Sachaka, aber auch gilt es noch einen Dieb und schwarz Magier zu schnappen.
Viel Spannung erwartet hier einen und einiges Liebesgeschichten, die sich für mich aber schon im zweiten Teil angedeutet haben. Diese waren jetzt keine Überraschungen für mich.
Der Abschluss konnte mich voll und ganz überzeugen und ich mag jetzt eigentlich gar nicht Abschied nehmen.
Die Sprecherin hat die Geschichte sehr angenehm erzählt und ich war erstaunt wie schnell sie um war. Ich würde gern wissen wie es weiter gegangen ist, da grad der Epilog nochmal eine kleine Wendung gebracht hat.

arthurgdean's review against another edition

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Recensione completa qui:

Esisteva, a Imardin, l'erronea convinzione che le presse da
stampa fossero state inventate dai maghi. Lo spettacolare
frastuono e i movimenti convulsi prodotti dai macchinari avrebbero
potuto facilmente trasmettere a una persona poco esperta
la convinzione che lì stesse avendo luogo un qualche tipo di
alchimia. Invece non c'era nessun bisogno di scomodare la
magia; bastava che qualcuno si occupasse di far girare le ruote
e azionare le leve.

Sono arrivata alla conclusione di questa saga, con non poca tristezza. Mi sono affezionata a Sonea, e, anche se meno, a Lorkin. Ho adorato Dannyl e Anyi, mi sono affezionata ad Achati e mi sono ricreduta su Tayend, che in quest'ultimo libro ha recuperato. E' davvero difficile separarsi da loro. In particolare Sonea, Cery e Dannyl, che mi hanno accompagnato per ben sei libri.
In questo ultimo libro ci troviamo su più fronti. Se da una parte Cery si sta ancora nascondendo da Skellin e vuole ancora catturarlo con l'aiuto della Corporazione, dall'altra Lorkin è imprigionato ad Arvice cerca di tenere nascosti i segreti delle Traditrici. Ed in mezzo troviamo Sonea, che cerca di raggiungere il figlio assieme a Regin, sperando di creare un'alleanza tra la Corporazione dei Maghi (e Terre Alleate) e le Traditrici.
Le Traditrici sono più forti, ora, e vogliono sferrare un attacco. Tutto dipenderà da una loro vittoria o da una loro perdita.
Lorkin è combattuto tra lo scegliere sua madre o Tyvara, Sonea combatte i possibili sentimenti per Regin, c'è qualcosa tra Lillia e Anyi... mentre la relazione tra Achati e Dannyl sembra essersi incrinata, a favore di una rinata amicizia con Tayend.
Trudi Canavan ha la capacità di farci affezionare ai suoi personaggi in modo incredibile, tanto più che a me risultava più importante la sicurezza di Dannyl e degli altri, rispetto ad una possibile cattura di Skellin o ad una vittoria delle Traditrici contro il re di Sachaka. Avvenimenti che mi incuriosivano comunque, grazie anche ai libri precedenti. E' un'ottima scrittrice e mi spiace che (a quanto ne sappia io) i suoi altri romanzi non sono stati tradotti in italiano.
Le ultime centinaia di pagine mi hanno lasciato una grande tristezza: alcuni personaggi ci lasciano definitivamente, e le mie speranze di vederli felici vengono infrante. Devo dire però che, a discapito della mia tristezza, sono felice di come questa saga si sia conclusa, e me ne ricorderò come una delle migliori che io abbia letto, non importa quante altre saghe leggerò d'ora in avanti...

vaderbird's review against another edition

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5 star - Perfect
4 star - i would recommend
3 star - good
2 star - struggled to complete
1 star - could not finish

ivanimalnott's review against another edition

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Creo que no me atrevo a ponerle las 5 estrellas por la pena que me da que se acabe la historia de esta saga.
No se puede decir que haya sido un final apoteósico ni nada por el estilo, pero Trudi ha sabido cerrar las tramas de manera sencilla y dejarte con muy buen sabor de boca. De hecho yo creo que ha dejado ese final por si en el futuro le da por seguir con la historia de Kyralia y las Tierras Aliadas...


jondunstan's review against another edition

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Trudi Canavan is one of my favourite authors. She creates worlds that are so well thought out, but logical in their own way. They have a set of rules about how things work, and never breaks your belief in that world. However this novel and as a result, the trilogy felt flat. There were so many threads that looked to lead somewhere and Canavan does a masterful job of making sure all these threads are tied up. However, there seems to be a bit of a tiny ending, instead of the epic ones penned in the original Black Magician Trilogy, or even the prequel.

I feel that the story could have done with more compartmentalising the stories. If the second novel had handled the story of Cery and the rogue magician completely, I feel that greater weight could have been given to the villains of each case. As it stands, Skellin is never felt to be a significant threat to the guild. Beyond the fact that he manages to find Cery, wherever he is hiding, we never see him as villainous, nor did I feel him as a significant threat to the guild. I now wish that he had gained knowledge of Black Magic, and the mad scramble of of the guild scrambling to meet this immediate threat.

With the story of the Skellin handled in the first novel, the third novel would be free to expend more energy on showing us more of the evils of Sachakan society, as more than just slave owners. With the threat of Black Magic once again made to the guild. Lorkin's plan to obtain gem-stone knowledge would have much more significance.

Sometimes I feel like the magicians guild is full of idiots. With knowledge that black magicians can take their magic from magically infused stone, or the battle ground shield. Why is there this huge shock that they can create a store stone? What is it other than something that can hold more magic in smaller space?

In the first novel, we are asked to ponder Sonea's decisions on what she would do? Turns out that the answer was not much. It would have been much more satisfying to have Sonea meet up with Dannyl and Tayend at the embassy, and having to fend off a couple of higher magicians with her saved up energy.

Despite all these shortcomings, which while gripes, do not impact the story much. It did not stop my enjoyment of the novels at the time of my reading them. It does however taint my love of the storyline once you have the complete picture. There are no highs and lows that are experienced like in the first series. There is but one truly epic magical battle, and it is not even a struggle. It completely one sided and lacking in excitement. The one true threat, one of betrayal, has a change of heart and chooses not to do anything. Leaving this more like a historical story based on true events than any sort of adventure.

wordnerdy's review against another edition

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A solid and satisfying wrap-up to this series! Great character moments, fun action scenes, some sweet romances, etc. I’m actually kind of bummed there aren’t more books, because I’d love to see what happens next. A-.

empross's review against another edition

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adventurous hopeful tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


lmould's review

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Trudi Canavan is one of my tried and tested 'easy-readers' enough intrigue, action and magic to engage me but nothing too in depth. However, I was sorry to find myself disappointed with this rather limp finale to what has been a great series. It's almost as though Canavan rushed through this to move on to other things.

nuria1295's review against another edition

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4'5/5 estrellas
Me ha gustado mucho. Tenía mogollón de ganas de leer el final de esta trilogía y me a encantado. Si le tengo que poner alguna pena es que no me ha gustado el final y el final de un personaje en concreto tampoco, pero el resultado de la trama principal si que me gustó y del resto de personajes también.
En conclusión me ha gustado mucho esta trilogía. Muy recomendable.

mona99's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional mysterious tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
