
Mechanic by Alexa Riley

cuppy_reads's review

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Penelope returns to town with a broken car and Paine from the get go know he wants this rich princess all to himself.

I wouldn't say it was love at first sight with these two, more like lust.
But what do you expect with a accomplished writer such as Alexa Riley.
oh... I know
Great plot line.
Straight to the point.
Super hot dirty alpha mechanic hero.
A virgin heroin that needs saving.
A lust story told oh so right.

I was definitely not disappointed.

4 thumbs up from me.

ijoy13's review

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A lot of Paine and Penelope with a short story of Law and Joey.

These stories are a bit over the top but the author clearly states all that so you've been warned!!

Some of the things said in this book were just too much though - I want to breed you - who says that???

ninjareader's review

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Method: audiobook

Rating: 4/5 stars

H rating: 4/5

h rating: 4/5

Drama: 3/5

Thoughts: oh smutty smut smut. Sooo good! Loved this shortish read, loved the couple, loved the drama, loved the alpha and instalust of it all. Definitely what I’m feeling today

courtney_in_chaos's review

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I really just didn't like this one. It wasn't as sexy as [b:Coach|26310515|Coach (Breeding, #1)|Alexa Riley||46256737], and honestly, Paine just came across as an asshole instead of a yummy alpha. The relationship didn't feel as consensual as the one in the first Breeding book either. Penelope never really said yes, or gave any indication of enjoying their first few encounters. It just kind of ruined their whole relationship for me.

As for the story, it was a bit unnecessarily overdone. Way too much going on with very short resolutions. I would have preferred more relationship building over the stuff with the fake pregnancy, for example.

jfgagnon721's review

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Fuck. I'm in love with this cover. Rating on that alone it'd be 5 stars. For the actual content, 3 stars.

lazyydaisy's review

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Smut, smut and more smut.

The bonus at the end was a nice surprise! I was wondering about their story!

mcdubsreads's review

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Exactly How I Like It

Hot, dirty and with a little heart. Exactly how I like my Alexa Riley stories. Paine and the Duchess’s story was no different. I couldn’t get enough.

claire_suisse's review

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Totally OTT as usual with this author, which is ok because she's straightforward about what her books are. I guess the real issue for me is that all her books feel the same.

_kdickens's review

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I thought the first half was more fun than the second half. I'm coming around to enjoying the ridiculous situations/dialogue in these. Steamy as always.

january313reads's review

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