A review by courtney_in_chaos
Mechanic by Alexa Riley


I really just didn't like this one. It wasn't as sexy as [b:Coach|26310515|Coach (Breeding, #1)|Alexa Riley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1442200212l/26310515._SY75_.jpg|46256737], and honestly, Paine just came across as an asshole instead of a yummy alpha. The relationship didn't feel as consensual as the one in the first Breeding book either. Penelope never really said yes, or gave any indication of enjoying their first few encounters. It just kind of ruined their whole relationship for me.

As for the story, it was a bit unnecessarily overdone. Way too much going on with very short resolutions. I would have preferred more relationship building over the stuff with the fake pregnancy, for example.