
Get Me by Jillian Dodd

daydreambookbliss's review against another edition

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Loved this series! Beginning to end it was fab! Definitely will wait to read The Spy Girl series until they all come out because Jillian's books are page turners. Every book of her's I've read well into the morning not being able to sleep until I finished it. So sad The Keatyn Chronicles are over. I'll miss Aiden. <3 Maybe he needs his own series next. ;)

madypad's review against another edition

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So this is the last book and although it's over i have to be honest and say that the journey has been awesome. The thing with Jillian is that with her you get entertainment. Okay people will think it's a shallow book and it does talk about teenage problems granted that these aren't really typical but still they are teenage problems. This series is still entertaining. I love how she writes and how enjoyable she can make the story with her writing and I think that's what really counts. So yeah I did love it :) also loved that Keatyn ended up with the person I was rooting for :)

ashnrhylee's review against another edition

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I absolutely adore this series! As sad as I was this amazing series was coming to an end I couldn't wait to read Get Me. I just had to know who Moon Boy is ;-) Get Me made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me want to throw my kindle, it made want to shake some sense into some characters and it made swoon ♡ it was the perfect ending to an amazing series. There was only one part at the end that made me question why but Jillian Dodd is an awesome writer and I know she had her reasons for doing what she did.

janiegirl1975's review against another edition

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Amazingly perfect ending to one if my very favorite series. I am so so happy with the ending.
Keatyn grew up so much in that short year. It was great to be along for the adventure.
There are so many romantic men in this series. *swoon*

And the very best part: ample opportunities for terrific spin-offs!!!! #notreadytosaygoodbye

aliciacreigh's review

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lighthearted fast-paced


inkdrinkerpdx's review against another edition

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I was happy when I found out this was going to be the last book because I just wanted to know how she could defeat Vince and if she would chose B or Aiden. I'm totally Team Aiden! Lol.

Anywho I loved this series and this book didn't disappoint. I'm sad it's all over and really think this should be made into a movie lol.

kandisteiner's review against another edition

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Going into Get Me, I was a mess of emotions:

I was excited, I was anxious, I was nervous - I mean, I've invested two years of my life into this series. And, I didn't just read the books - I joined the KC Addicts Facebook Page, participated in group competitions, did re-reads with other fans, and even spent a long weekend in Cocoa Beach with other KC Addicts and Jillian herself. I have KC swag for days and I wear necklaces, t-shirts, and even carry around bags with the KC brand all over them. When I say I'm a dedicated fan, I'm not joking - I love this series to death. I feel like even though I read the first book not too long after I graduated college, I was growing up with Keats through these books. These books are a part of me. I found myself so invested and I really felt like this book would be the end of an era.

And it is, in some ways.

Okay, I know you don't care about how I connect with the series so let's just talk about this book - the ending of it all. Was it worth it? Did it meet my expectations? Did I walk away happy?

The honest answer is... absolutely.

While reading Get Me, I laughed, I cried, I bit my fingernails and I felt the emotional roller coaster ride as it coasted over each little bump.

At the beginning, a lot of our questions from Hate Me get answered right off the bat. I will say this... at around 6%, I had one of these moments:

And then I was all

And that's pretty much how it went the entire time for me. Things I knew would happen, some happening exactly how I assumed and some in a completely different way. (One word: GAZEBO! Did not see that coming lol)

That is, until the showdown with V. I didn't expect it to happen the way it did, and I will admit that I cried throughout that section of the book and even though it was midnight and I had to work in six hours, I knew there was no way I was stopping until I finished.

Get Me was absolutely gripping and a fantastic ending to this incredible series. The Keatyn Chronicles seriously is such a unique series in that it is filled with drama that absolutely UNNERVED me, but captivated me at the same time. Sometimes I wanted to jump through my phone and kill Keatyn - like literally, I was like

But at the same time, I loved watching her grow. When I read Stalk Me, I wasn't sure about Keats - I was intrigued by her story, but found her rather annoying. But, by the end, I felt like Keats had grown so much - she really put others before herself and I admired that. Did she still pull some stupid stunts and act immature in this book? Well duh, but she's also very young and (hellooooo) she's Keatyn Douglas - it's part of who she is. But she grew, she changed, and it was amazing to watch.

7 books. 2 years. Thousands of words written by Jillian and devoured by me. Countless friends made through the KC group. And forever - the length of time I will remember this series and what it made me feel.

Bravo, Jillian. Thank you.

ffantasticcarlie's review

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3.5 stars

Read this series a long time ago, and never finished the last book. Decided to pick it up, and oh my gosh, this series is so different from Jillian Dodd's other books. (Lol)