A review by kandisteiner
Get Me by Jillian Dodd



Going into Get Me, I was a mess of emotions:

I was excited, I was anxious, I was nervous - I mean, I've invested two years of my life into this series. And, I didn't just read the books - I joined the KC Addicts Facebook Page, participated in group competitions, did re-reads with other fans, and even spent a long weekend in Cocoa Beach with other KC Addicts and Jillian herself. I have KC swag for days and I wear necklaces, t-shirts, and even carry around bags with the KC brand all over them. When I say I'm a dedicated fan, I'm not joking - I love this series to death. I feel like even though I read the first book not too long after I graduated college, I was growing up with Keats through these books. These books are a part of me. I found myself so invested and I really felt like this book would be the end of an era.

And it is, in some ways.

Okay, I know you don't care about how I connect with the series so let's just talk about this book - the ending of it all. Was it worth it? Did it meet my expectations? Did I walk away happy?

The honest answer is... absolutely.

While reading Get Me, I laughed, I cried, I bit my fingernails and I felt the emotional roller coaster ride as it coasted over each little bump.

At the beginning, a lot of our questions from Hate Me get answered right off the bat. I will say this... at around 6%, I had one of these moments:

And then I was all

And that's pretty much how it went the entire time for me. Things I knew would happen, some happening exactly how I assumed and some in a completely different way. (One word: GAZEBO! Did not see that coming lol)

That is, until the showdown with V. I didn't expect it to happen the way it did, and I will admit that I cried throughout that section of the book and even though it was midnight and I had to work in six hours, I knew there was no way I was stopping until I finished.

Get Me was absolutely gripping and a fantastic ending to this incredible series. The Keatyn Chronicles seriously is such a unique series in that it is filled with drama that absolutely UNNERVED me, but captivated me at the same time. Sometimes I wanted to jump through my phone and kill Keatyn - like literally, I was like

But at the same time, I loved watching her grow. When I read Stalk Me, I wasn't sure about Keats - I was intrigued by her story, but found her rather annoying. But, by the end, I felt like Keats had grown so much - she really put others before herself and I admired that. Did she still pull some stupid stunts and act immature in this book? Well duh, but she's also very young and (hellooooo) she's Keatyn Douglas - it's part of who she is. But she grew, she changed, and it was amazing to watch.

7 books. 2 years. Thousands of words written by Jillian and devoured by me. Countless friends made through the KC group. And forever - the length of time I will remember this series and what it made me feel.

Bravo, Jillian. Thank you.