
O Segredo Mais Escuro by Gena Showalter

yourdottruly's review against another edition

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This book I had no interest in. But you can't skip a book in this series. Both characters were blah for me but the story developed very well made me excited for the next book.

jeannierose80's review against another edition

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I wasn't real invested in Amun's story to begin with but you did get to see some of his personality eventually. I did like the parts with Strider and William though, they are interesting characters.

michelleuk123's review against another edition

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Ugh - couldn't finish it!

ladyzsazsa's review against another edition

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(Re-Read August 2015)

Amun, the silent and extremely sexy warrior who I really didn't know much about until now because he has mostly been in the background in the other books. But, finally in "The Darkest Secret" he gets his own story with Haidee, a hunter of all people. Actually the same hunter, who killed Baden years ago in Ancient Greece and who Strider has the hots for. Unfortunately, she is the only one who can save Amun. Even though I usually hate the hunters I really like Haidee for Amun. Despite all the obstacles they face those two are great for each other and they make wonderful fireworks together!!!!

moniren's review against another edition

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Incredible as usual!

anyareadsalot's review against another edition

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Rating: 3.5 stars

darkndirty's review against another edition

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Again I loved it, Im never let down by this series!
Even when its about a character I dont think Im gonna enjoy I end up loving there story!

geo_ix's review against another edition

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So, don't ask me which is my favourite, because I REALLY can't pick anymore. This one gives more into other characters than just Amun and little Haidee, the demon slay-ah. Seriously. Her powers are sickly cool. I didn't see any of her tricks coming. Probably should of as it made sense who the demon ended up being that killed everyone. I found it so lovely that their lives were so intertwined. My heart broke in the final battle scene, and then again at Amuns 'last dinner' with his words to Strider.

I'm not going to lie. strider is a wank. He thinks he's top shit, and it's not defeat that will be his downfall it's his over confidence in himself. He's always going on about how people love him and want him, but he does nothing to make that possible.

He's rude and cruel and yet people are nice to him because they don't want him to experience the pain when he's defeated, but really, they all walk on eggshells for him and he prances around and accuses everyone of being cruel and giving him challenges when they're forever trying NOT to. Kaia will put him in his place, and for that I'm thankful. Because he's such a wank I want to hit him up the head. He's probably the only lord I don't like, even Paris isn't that bad, and he KNOWS he can get anyone into bed. Eh. He makes my brain bleed.

Anywhoooo. This one is all happy, happy, sad, happy, happy, miserable, depressing, kill me, I'm dead. And YAY for a girl not being delicate and looking like every other girl ever - minus Gwen but that was just her skin- this chicka has blonde and pink hair and one arm that's a whole sleeve and more tattoos on her back! And with that, I'm happy.

kempsey18's review against another edition

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This book is the 7th in this series, so we have seen many lives unfold in this world and the more time I spend with the lords, the more I fall in love with them. I was hesitant about this book because I did not see how this was going to end well. The girl who killed Baden is supposed to end up with one of the lords herself, really? I did not see that happening, but I was eager to see how Gena wove this tale and have these two characters overcome their pasts.

We have gotten glimpses of Amun before and I did not really find myself intrigued by him, but in this book he demanded my attention. I loved that he was not full on alpha male, but his presence still dominated anyone around him. He loves all his fellow lords and does his best to protect them, but once pushed he is a force to be reckoned with. Haidee on the other hand really remains a puzzle for much of the book. You are given clues about her past, but not enough to riddle out the answer until you get much closer to the end. Which was frustrating and awesome all at the same time. When the two are forced into a journey through hell, both of their beliefs are put to the test and watching them trying to decode the other was fascinating.

While I loved Amun and Haidee’s story, Paris, William and Strider stole the show for me. There is one scene about halfway through the book where they are partying at Paris’ house and decide to drunk dial Maddox. I was crying at one point I was laughing so hard. I am not going to write out what happens because I think you will enjoy it more if you discover it on your own. Just be on the lookout for this scene in the book, I am sure anyone who is a fan of these books will enjoy it as well. The point to me sharing this scene with you is to point out how much I love the chemistry between the warriors. Their sarcastic remarks and witty commentary always puts a smile on my face and I love that Gena lets us get to see that side of them.

Overall, this is another fantastic addition to this series. With each book that passes I get drawn deeper into the lives of the lords and can’t wait to spend more times with them. Now I just have to wait it out for Strider’s book, which I know will be fantastic as well!

romancereadergirl's review against another edition

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Loved it

Great story. I love Amun and enjoyed his story. I can not to read Strider's story!

Great series that just keeps getting better.