
Kun kaupunki suljettiin – Wuhanin kohtalonhetket by Fang Fang

wannabekingpin's review against another edition

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About the Book: Fang Fang, an acclaimed Chinese author, has documented life in Wuhan, the original epicenter of Covid 19. It’s a strangely familiar tale, a tale we lived through both via distance, news cycle, and also personally, locked up in quarantine. With death toll rising she, and likely many of us, felt helpless, with nothing more to do but remain inside for as long a period as possible, to not become a carrier of the rogue virus, to not become a statistic.

My Opinion: This book hurt. For the history described in it isn’t over. We have new strains, there are people refusing the vaccine, numbers are again rising like crazy. You’d think we’d learn. Instead we get tired. Our masks slip under our noses, so to speak. Made me very upset to remember those first few months, seeing how we merely prolonged our suffering by not doing enough. But the book itself reads very well, very easily, and was appreciated.

sarhemmm's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful informative sad tense slow-paced


chrisullo's review against another edition

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L'autrice di questo libro è Fang Fang, una delle nemiche della sinistra comunista che regna in Cina. Molto spesso l'autrice scriveva affermazioni su Weibo (equivalente al nostro Facebook) che sono state censurate dalle autorità motivo? Rendere noto ciò che il regime comunista nasconde all'intera popolazione, partendo dalle cene governative che hanno portato a 40.000 uomini mentre l'intera Wuhan era già in quarantena. Un libro consigliato, non tanto per il coronavirus, ma per vedere le censure continue dei regimi.

willwork4airfare's review against another edition

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Important, moving, and scary. I began to lose a little interest towards the end as the posts became more and more about the internet trolls hounding the author instead of news of the virus (but to be fair, there is often a lack of news while under quarantine) but the translator’s note at the end gives a good bit of context about why that was important. Other than the virus, it was an interesting dive into how Chinese people interact with their social media and the role of censorship. It was a bit odd to read because at a certain point it became obvious that Fang Fang is a prolific and well-known writer in China and I had never even heard of her.

joyousreads132's review against another edition

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There are two plagues currently spreading all over the world: Covid and misinformation.

fannachristine's review against another edition

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emotional reflective slow-paced


jenboal's review against another edition

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Ok this was a tough one to review. I picked it because a first hand account of the COVID-19 outbreak in China is a very interesting tale to read. Fang Fang is a famous author and her daily journal of life during the pandemic can really be a lesson to us all. If you feel the virus isn't very dangerous read as she describes friends dying, very tough lockdowns and a virus no one quite understands yet.
There are many details in here the US could learn and use to manage COVID better.
However I think something was lost a bit in the translating because it felt a bit flat. There was a lot of good information that I learned but it was also a book that I kept putting down.
3.5 stars overall
5 stars for the information it gives but 3 stars for the readability of the book.

benrogerswpg's review against another edition

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Strong book.

Really intense book and very compelling. Really enjoyed the journal aspects of how the virus navigated it's way around - from ground zero.


swirls's review against another edition

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First person account of the Wuhan lockdown by a celebrated Chinese novelist living there. Don't expect anything fully comprehensive - it felt more like a daily chat show, covering both day to day matters in her life and her take on what she heard in the news, with surprisingly scathing criticism of government response. I don't feel like social media updates always translate so well into book form - she frequently references responses to her posts elsewhere online and viral news stories - and it's a bit repetitive and myopic, but I still think this is an important read for 2020. I hope to see translations of more like this written by people in other corners of society.

elinacre's review against another edition

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biting social and political commentary, chilling descriptions of the massive worldwide pandemic that are "too soon," now-laughable and relatable statements about how very boring and unbearable quarantine is--at a week or two in