
Kun kaupunki suljettiin – Wuhanin kohtalonhetket by Fang Fang

elinacre's review against another edition

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biting social and political commentary, chilling descriptions of the massive worldwide pandemic that are "too soon," now-laughable and relatable statements about how very boring and unbearable quarantine is--at a week or two in

marmarta's review against another edition

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very interesting thing to read. A fascinating insight into Chinese society (that is, a particular upper middle class slice of it), censorship and internet use in China, and also a peek into the period when Wuhan was truly going through some bad times while we all thought "ah there's no need to worry much about this Chinese virus". It can be somewhat overwrought sometimes, and not every argument the author had with trolls was that interesting for me, but I'm glad I've read it.

sprytely's review against another edition

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Just wasn't speaking to me.

beccajreads's review against another edition

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dark emotional hopeful informative slow-paced


tuesday_evening's review against another edition

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dark emotional reflective slow-paced


norimee's review against another edition

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One of the most important writings of our time and history. 

jasperbeckmen's review against another edition

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Such an enlightening insight into what the coronavirus situation in Wuhan/China looked like all while America was sleeping. How did China get such strong control over the situation? The people of Wuhan stood together in the face of a government failure in ways that are unbelievable to my American eyes, and I must admit how utterly disappointed I am in my countrymen. Definitely worth the read!

lovecrafts_ulysses's review against another edition

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informative reflective

zrock's review against another edition

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Every year there are a handful of books that spark controversy without actually being controversial, and this is definitely one of those for 2020. It needs to be read as an experiential diary, not an authoritative book. It needs to be read knowing the author is a well-known writer with few delusions about herself and with an individualist streak living in a collectivist society. Nationalists are saying she’s not obedient enough and foreigners are saying she’s too obedient, but neither come with many concessions. This is how you know neither likely know enough to have an un-blinkered opinion. Many phrases should be recognized as translation quirks, and yes, it is repetitive—but that’s how you know it was written under quarantine as the situation was unfolding. I could go on. Quite simply, a lot of reviewers don’t seem to know what they’re talking about, nor do they seem interested in learning where an author is coming from or putting themselves in her shoes before critiquing her diary.

The collection has a few insights and a lot of common sense relating to culture, mob mentality, flow of information, digital dialogue, keyboard warriors, misinformation, humility, East/west mindsets, criticism, death, hindsight, frustration, decisiveness, leadership, expertise, society, uncertainty...the list goes on. Readers unfamiliar with neither China nor Wuhan specifically will benefit first from getting context by looking into the city and its geography, the yuan exchange rate (~6.8 per 1 USD), the timeline in January, etc.

I was living in Wuhan but traveling in Chengdu as things hit the fan and as she wrote much of this—and much of it rings extremely familiar and quite personal as it does for countless others around the world now but especially those in and around Wuhan at the time. For several reasons, it—along with many other pandemic diaries from around the world—is certainly one of the most important writings of the year. It will certainly be valuable when we look back on the pandemic and 2020 in general, and we should value voices describing their experiences in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, especially at a time when people will look at you in the eyes with a self-assured straight face and tell you what happened to you didn’t actually happen because your views don’t match theirs.

ghiblies's review against another edition

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This was a valuable and informative read, but I feel like I read it all wrong. This isn't the fault of the book, just the circumstances. To clarify:

1. I don't think I should have read this as an audiobook. I know that I speed through them and usually put them on in the background while doing something else (i.e. not fully focusing). I think this should have been read as it was intended, as daily posts, allowing time for reflection. Some of the things Fang Fang touched on really impacted me emotionally and I didn't process any of those feelings, I just squashed them down and moved on. I think that's why I feel hollow when I recall my time reading this book.
2. I should have read this in Chinese. Michael Berry's translation is very good but I wish I could have connected with Fang Fang's meaning directly. I think it would have had more emotional impact and I'd be able to understand why her daily posts became so important to all those thousands of people. All this to say, I'm probably going to reread this in Chinese at some point.

I’ll also add, it did become very repetitive in the middle, but 1. that's exactly how quarantine was lol and 2. it's a diary and Fang Fang did say she didn't edit her posts for this book. So long as you can discern that I think most readers will take a lot from this book.