
The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker

moonstrucksue's review against another edition

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I only read it for closure, but aside from that...

fireandfables's review against another edition

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I read the novella The Healer prior to reading this book, and it has its pros and cons. In The Healer, you see the beginning of the book from John's perspective up until Elizabeth wakes up in the beginning of the book. I think I liked the insight into John's mind it gave it, but it might have been better to read it after finishing The With Hunter.

" How did you do it? You weren't strong, not like Marcus. You weren't ambitious like Caleb. Not vicious like Linus. How did you survive?"

"Because I was afraid to do anything except live."

I rate this book 5 stars because I just really enjoyed it. It is about change and what lengths someone would go to to make it happen. It is about love, and how it can overcome grief. But most importantly, it is just a story about a girl who's world and everything she has believed in gets turned upside down. Enemies become friends, and friends become enemies. Those believed in turn out to be liars and those thought to be liars and evil, turn out to be good.

The character development was also interesting. I liked that even minor characters were able to change and learn.

I have two issues with the book. One, it was frustrating to follow the prophecy that had to do with Elizabeth, and I don't really think it is over, I might have to check it again. And Two, for all the talk about Malcolm, The King, he never once gets an appearance. I would like that to change.

kaeoticneutral's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. Elisabeth really annoyed me at the beginning but she kinda grew on me.

vivien_hamburg's review against another edition

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kleine fehler - vllt auch durch die übersetzung. aber immer noch 4.5 Sterne

lecturasparasupervivientes's review against another edition

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Teniendo en cuenta que hace menos de un año me leí Asesino de brujas, pensé que la historia iría más o menos por los mismos senderos. Y en parte así ha sido, porque tiene personajes fuertes e interesantes, secundarios que te dan la vida y una trama que evoluciona de manera coherente.

Hay invención de criaturas nuevas que le añade un toque a lo que suelo leer en este tipo de fantasía y aunque hay algunos plot twist predecibles, otros me sorprendieron.

La pñuma de Virginia es ligera y aunque no está muy elaborada en descripciones de lugares, se entretiene en desarrollar a los personajes y sus porqués.

La protagonista es gris, tiene una lucha interna muy marcada en este libro y me encantó que no tomara una posición clara ni siquiera cuando lo terminé, dejando esa intriga para el segundo y último tomo de esta bilogía.

Los capítulos son cortos y hacen que lectura sea rápida y adictiva. Sin embargo, las peleas se me hacen poco elaboradas salvo la primera. Espero que en el segundo volumen se desarrollen más a profundidad.

daltonsnyder's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

bhawisha's review against another edition

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The conclusion was glorious!

Just pissed about Nicholas dying. That's why I'm not giving it 5 stars

erindmorrow's review against another edition

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I enjoyed the first book, The Witch Hunter, but I loved this one. The action was spread nicely throughout the story, the characters continued to grow and develop, and the ending was both sad and hopeful (like all the best stories, IMO). My one problem was that I didn't read the two books back to back, and I had a little trouble remembering details about events and people from the first book. I guess I'll just have to reread them both at some point.

shelflifewithirene's review against another edition

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Actually a re-read from last year b/c I only recently ordered the 2nd novel.

Elizabeth Grey is one of Anglia's most dangerous. But when she is accused of witchcraft herself, she is rescued by Nicolas Perevil - the most hunted wizard in the country - himself and finds herself at the centre of a sinster conspiracy...

To you know that feeling when you've walked from point A to point B so many times that the walk always seems to be over in no time? That's what it was like re-reading this book. Eliabeth and Fifer, the only other girl in the book, really dislike each other in the beginning, which is, I feel, a common trope in YA, and really annoying. Apart from that, I really loved the characters, plot, and world building. How did it take me so long to order the sequel?

jcarvajal23's review against another edition

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I loved this book and finished it quickly. The story and characters bring this vivid world to life. I was immediately hooked and loved having witch hunter Elizabeth narrate the story. She is tough, but vulnerable allowing the reader to get behind her. Some parts of the story were unpredictable which I loved. Witches, Wizards, ghosts, a ruthless villain, and romance; what more could you ask for? I can't wait for the next one in the series!