A review by shelflifewithirene
Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker


Actually a re-read from last year b/c I only recently ordered the 2nd novel.

Elizabeth Grey is one of Anglia's most dangerous. But when she is accused of witchcraft herself, she is rescued by Nicolas Perevil - the most hunted wizard in the country - himself and finds herself at the centre of a sinster conspiracy...

To you know that feeling when you've walked from point A to point B so many times that the walk always seems to be over in no time? That's what it was like re-reading this book. Eliabeth and Fifer, the only other girl in the book, really dislike each other in the beginning, which is, I feel, a common trope in YA, and really annoying. Apart from that, I really loved the characters, plot, and world building. How did it take me so long to order the sequel?