Laura Shapiro

10 books

299 pages paperback 2005

nonfiction essays feminism food and drink history challenging informative slow-paced

Granta 52: Food: The Vital Stuff

Granta #52

Ian Jack

255 pages paperback 1995

art essays literary short stories informative medium-paced

185 pages paperback 2007

nonfiction biography informative inspiring lighthearted medium-paced

208 pages 2007

nonfiction biography informative inspiring fast-paced

264 pages 1999

nonfiction biography memoir reflective slow-paced

282 pages paperback 1986

nonfiction history informative slow-paced

334 pages 2004

nonfiction food and drink history informative lighthearted medium-paced

missing page info 2004

informative reflective slow-paced

missing page info 2004

informative reflective slow-paced

320 pages hardcover 2017

nonfiction biography food and drink history informative medium-paced