zoya7's reviews
151 reviews

The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

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Obviously, this was not as good as the previous book, but not bad either.
ttyl by Lauren Myracle

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This was just about okay.
I was thinking about giving it one star, because I have more than a few reasons for disliking it. It’s extremely dramatic but entertaining in the most weird way possible. And basically, this book was just a collection of texts and at first I wasn’t sure about it, but it’s actually really unique and creative (which is why I gave it two star and not one. Since they’re only texts, I found it a little hard to see things from each character’s perspective and I had to take sides sometimes.
I just feel the need to say this: the scene where (MAJOR spoiler)
Spoiler one of them goes to the frat party and stuff
totally freaked me out.
Also — completely random thought (which might make no sense).

If the characters used abbreviations like “cuz”, “ttyl” and u and r, why would they bother using commas and full stops? If you’re using commas and full stops or stuff like that, why not just type are and you?
Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee

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Not what I had expected but not too disappoint either. It's
Shine by Jessica Jung

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1.5 stars
Unrealistic, unrealistic, unrealistic and more unrealistic.
K-pop Confidential by Stephan Lee

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I'm too awestruck to write a review right now but I will definitely write one later, so RTC.

Star rating - 5 stars
CAWPILE rating - 9.28
Glitter Gets Everywhere by Yvette Clark

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This book is truly amazing.
The characters are so likeable, relatable and well-written. The plot is amazing and gripping. The writing is absolutely stunning.
This needs a sequel!!