It’s not bad, I just didn’t know that this was a romance . I don’t really like romance and couldn’t find the motivation to read it. But I’m glad the author gave me a chance.
First, thank you so much netgalley for the opportunity to review this book,. Though I’m very late on so many books. I hope this year I can cut that down and probably won’t request for a while.
We’re following Katie true, a tarot card reader who believes her friend Marley is missing . Basically we’re following along as she tries to unravel what’s going on( pretty short.)
I really like Katie True voice and character she’s so real. I also love the focus on friendship and how they met and such. It really gives us - the readers, a look into friendship and how much Marley impacted Kate’s life. We see her family and how Jamie the only one who’s helping her so far. Although let’s be honest she’s a pain in the a** to him. Despite that each character has their own goals and accomplishments . It’s like we’re in the each moment, awkward ape not.
There was very little I didn’t like the awkward conversations, and so much more. But also a very picky reader so stuff like people assuming that two people are in a relationship bother me. Cause i don’t care for but it at the
I’d have to my favorite character is definitely Katie true, we get to a huge change throughout the book. Plus she’s just really relatable and shows how not every mc has to have their life together.
Overall I was worried cause I’m not a huge fan of tarot card. I just find them pretty. It would be daunting read with me needing to look up EVERYTHING. Because as much as I love reading. A book that throws so much information on a reader really impacts them for future books. But nope, it was a digestible read with witty characters whom all come to life with their own personalities and conflicts.
I’d definitely recommend if you love really realistic characters, dry humor, existential crises everywhere and the thrill of a lifetime that come with the mystery in this book.
I would love to thank the author for giving me a review copy. Though it’s late like I got this book 2019 but better than ever. As always I only give my honest opinion.
But it’s not for me. I could feel myself loosing interest the more and more I read it. It’s not bad at all. I’m kind of sad cause I did want to know what happened but I’m just not the targeted audience. I do not like romance . As well as my goodness did they talk about sex a lot.