yviie_reads's reviews
303 reviews

Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick

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I can't believe it ... this is it. The end of the series.
I'm relieved and sad at the same time because I absolutely LOVED the hush hush series and Patch was is one of my favorite characters ever!

And still i was upset, a little. It was a bit hard for me to get into it ... especially the first half was a bit boring?
SpoilerWe get to know Dante and some other Nephilims and here and there are some good scenes with a little action but i don't know, i wasn't as hooked as with the previous books.

Mostly I'm upset because of
SpoilerScott! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! He was also so sweet and nice and helpful and such a good friend and in the enD HE JUST GET'S KILLED?!? ARRRRGHH, NO! Especially THIS part was terrible! They just forget about him? Nora is a little sad, yes, but when she finds Patch all she does is kiss him and tell him how scared she was and how much she loves him ... WELL WHAT ABOUT SCOTT!?

I think i didn't mention (in none of my previous reviews) that I ADORE Vee! She's such a nice and cheeky girl and I really, really enjoyed her scenes!
SpoilerI don't know what to think about the fact that she's also a Nephilim now but yeah, whatever. I liked her and Scott a LOT and that's also something i'm so angry about! They were together, fighting on the battlefield and Scott dies and Nora finds Patch again and where the fuck is Vee? Did I miss something? I don't know but the fact that not even Vee said something about Scott's death was ughhhhh, no.

The ending was super cute and i'm quite happy with it!
SpoilerVee's wedding was so sweet and I liked the idea of it ... but again: Scott. They mentioned him but no one really cared, that's at least how i interpret the scene.
I'm sure i'll definitely miss the series & all the amazing characters!
Wait for You by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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I didn't think I would enjoy it this much but ... I absolutely ADORED it! Avary was basically me and at first it felt a bit strange because I could relate to her about so many things ... but I was hooked from the very first page!

I giggled and I laughed and grinned like a cheshire cat and I JUST COULDN'T STOP READING!
Cam was such a great, understanding character and I fell in love with him IMMEDIATELY! He's goodlooking, cheeky, extremely funny and he bakes! Cookies, banana bread, eggs for breakfast ... I WANTED TO EAT ALL OF IT!

There were so many great scenes between Avery and Cam and their whole relationship was cute and sweet but also damn sexy! I also loved their friends although I wasn't really sure about Brit at first but
Spoileri think her and Ollie would be a great couple!

And Jacob was SOO FUN! I loved how he talked and that he was always honest and outspoken.

SpoilerAlso, can I just say that I LOVED valentines day? HE GAVE HER A TURTLE, OH MY GOD! That was seriously one of the cutest things ever!♥

And now i'm looking forward for the other books and i'm sure i'll love them as much as this one! Well done, J. Lynn! :)
Life in Outer Space by Melissa Keil

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Honestly? I absolutely loved this book! I had so much fun reading it and even now when i think about all the scenes and dialogues between the friends, i'm still grinning like a cheshire cat! Such a funny and light read! And it was believable!

The characters were superb and very, very likeable! Especially Sam with all his nerd- and movie knowledge was so fun to read - his thoughts and the quotes he always used were perfect and i enjoyed them a lot - plus, can i just point out that he has AMAZING friends!

Some parts were absolutely hilarious and I found myself laughing out loud while my Mom stared at me with an awkward expression but whatever, i couldn't help it! :D I had so much fun with it and even the "serious" scenes were awesome!

And well, the ending was the last little thing i needed to really fall in love with "Life in outer space" - so adorable and cute!!!
Spoiler Especially when Camilla and Sam said WHY they love each other AND THEN THE KISS! UGH, they are too cute to handle and i'm glad it ended like this!
Foretold: 14 Tales of Prophecy and Prediction by Carrie Ryan

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It made me love Dimitri and Rose even more!! In general i really enjoyed this short little story - there was action, fun & snarky parts and moments where you go: AWWWWW *___*

Oh and + points for Dimka's grandmother - she's awesome and i loved her so much! :D
Der Kuss des Kjer by Lynn Raven

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Ich bin hin und weg!

Dass Lynn Raven eine tolle Autorin ist, weiß ich schon, seit ich "Der Kuss des Dämons" und die anderen beiden Teile gelesen habe.
Die Geschichte rund um Lijanas und Mordan hat mich von Anfang an gepackt und ich hatte Mühe das Buch aus den Händen zu legen!
Mordan fand ich schon am Anfang des Buches faszinierend - und Lijanas ist ein wirklich interessanter Hauptcharakter.
Diese Hassliebe der beiden hat mich total gefesselt und zeitweise dachte ich nur noch: „JETZT SAG’S IHR DOCH ENDLICH!“

Was kann ich also sagen, jetzt, nachdem ich gerade die letzten Zeilen gelesen habe? TOLL. ♥
Ich bin mir sicher, dass "Der Kuss des Kjer" ab jetzt eines meiner Lieblingsbücher sein wird!
Wonder by R.J. Palacio

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"What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful."

THIS BOOK, ladies and gentlemen, IS AMAZING! I enjoyed it a lot and honestly I think this is one of the best books ever. Not because the story is awesome or the writing is superb (it is, don't worry!) but because it makes you think about lots of different things.

I had no clue what to expect but that's okay. It's perfect. You just need to read it, don't think about whether you'll like this book or not - if you understand the point of it, I'm sure you'll enjoy and love it as much as I did!

"Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right using of strength ... He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own."

Palacio did a VERY GOOD job with all her characters - they seemed all so realistic and the changing POV's were amazing - I loved to read everyone's "opinion" about certain things or situations, about their thoughts or fears. August is a really inspiring character and so unbelievably brave and at the end I felt so, so, so happy for him and the rest! Seriously, the ending was perfect! I couldn't picture a better ending!

Now everyone go and buy the book and READ IT! :)

"When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind."
Ivy: Steinerne Wächter by Sarah Beth Durst

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"Enchanted Ivy" was different to what I normally read ... I saw it in a bookstore and immediately fell in love with the cover and the design of the chapter x pages - seriously, so pretty! I'm not really into fantasy - especially not when the books are kinda short, this book "only" had 340 pages (german version) - because it always takes me long to imagine the world and all the different creatures that exist in it.

I haven't had lots of trouble picturing the worlds of "Enchanted Ivy"! Maybe because most of it happened on the Princeton university campus, hm. Actually I was really looking forward to explore the other world and the creatures but that never really happened. It was never enough. Not for me at least.

It's an easy read with an interesting story but a little rushed. Sometimes that's good but here? I never had the chance to connect with the characters or feel for them. They seemed a bit flat and Lily really annoyed me - not all the time but ughh. Just a "normal" girl that isn't really normal - WHY give her the predicate NORMAL then?!

Tye was a lot more interesting - predictable but I enjoyed his humor and him in general. I knew right from the beginning what he was and I was so looking forward to find out more about him!
Spoiler The whole soulmate and love thing between him and Lily was (again) too rushed and not really believable ... I didn't even care about them being together or not - they were more like friends to me than a couple but whatever.

And still, I enjoyed this book! It's funny, makes you smile and dream about another world. I think that maybe I would have liked it more if it would have been a bit longer ... such a fantasy world with all its amazing and unique characters/creatures just needs time to grow and understand. It was a nice and lovely read but definitely nothing more than that.