yas_sezer's reviews
205 reviews

Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell

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3.75 stars. 


- the actual storyline 
- the different focuses rather than zoning in only on one characters experiences 
- the emotive descriptions particularly in part 2 
- the themes of grief and loss and remembrance 
- the chapter following the flea that spread the pestilence to judith

did not enjoy 
- the chapter lengths because i found it difficult to keep reading 
- certain aspects felt really dragged out 
- the writing felt TOO flowery at parts 
- shakespeare cheated on agnes

i would recommend this to certain people in my life because i think the history, the story, and the experiences we see in this book are interesting and insightful. the feeling of helplessness and utter uselessness when it comes to the death of your loved ones (and loss in general, even if they’re alive) were very touching to read. 

agnes as a character i grew to love - as a mother, wife, sister, daughter in law, friend - everything. she was a strong woman who deserved better 

shakespeare i loved throughout the book until hamnet died and he made the decision to leave and CHEAT on his wife. i’m sorry but that’s when my connection to him completely disappeared, and i cannot find a justification for it. that might just be me though because of my deep distaste for cheating in any form. 

my heart broke for hamnet, particularly when he asked death to close its eyes for one moment while he swapped places with judith. he was so young, so sad.
The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic by Leigh Bardugo

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*star ratings are in the context of this book alone

ayama and the thorn wood ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

thoroughly enjoyed this, and was a pleasant surprise to what i expected (had no clue what i was really getting myself into). very much snow white x belle vibes, and i love my fairy tales so i liked that aspect.

“those meant to love us most are not always the ones who do”

i like that these tales are more legend/folklore, and the meanings can be applied to reality. the manipulation and inadequacy of the king not only as a ruler, but a father and husband as well, were obviously frustrating, but i did like the reveal. touches on mob mentality and the wrongful faith placed into those in leadership (who cannot take accountability and will gladly put the blame on others without batting an eye). having ayama and the beast bond with their shared, but unspoken, trauma was sweet. them ruling as monsters, even better. the illustrations were also beautiful, love the little details with the hat, axe, sword, and especially the blossoming of the thorns in the final picture.

the too-clever fox ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

little red riding hood x over the hedge?? such a random combination but definitely got the vibes from both of these. much shorter than the first so harder to connect with the story, but i did enjoy this. i liked the concept of being clever vs wise, and i think lula demonstrating what it means to be wise was a great choice. have to always be careful of who you trust and not be fooled by sweet nothings. loneliness can be used against you so easily it’s actually scary, and lead to so many detrimental outcomes in the real world too. be safe and make smart choices, PRETTY GIRLS ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED LOL

the witch of duva ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Lives of Saints by Leigh Bardugo

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3 stars just because it’s difficult to give anything higher for these types of books. for what it was, i really enjoyed it, and fell in love with the illustrations (my poor fiancé had to deal with me sending him a picture for every single story).

i enjoyed reading each story even though short stories aren’t normally my cup of tea. maybe because many of them were referenced to before so it felt familiar (juris, grigori, elizaveta, magda, anastasia, alina, etc etc). even the other ones, it was fun to try and pinpoint what the message was from each.

i feel like leigh bardugos short stories are actually insane, she writes them so well and they flow so easily.
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo

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3.5 stars (*** update 3 stars)

reading this book was honestly such a breeze, but definitely didn’t give me the 5 star feeling. the characters and the world are very comforting for me now, and i feel as though i don’t have to use any brainpower to learn or keep up with the politics or magic which makes it so much easier to focus on and of course i have grown to adore the world. however, something did fall a little flat for me in this, but it’s hard to pinpoint if it’s one thing or just a bunch of little things.

first, i’ll acknowledge that having this from zoya, nikolai and ninas povs was very fun, i really like them all, even zoya who i didn’t pay that much attention to previously. i’m waiting for a romance to blossom between her and nikolai buttttt it might be a bit too soon for that.

nina and matthias, i’m never going to get over that. i didn’t realise how much matthias being gone broke me, but at the start of this book i was sobbingggg when she was hearing his voice in her head (kinda wish it was his voice and not her just imagining it, but that might be me struggling to let go as well).

the actual plot lines of this were fun and i enjoyed having multiple different things happening at once coz it kept it interesting since it’s such a fat book. also having the shift from character based, to a heist, to extremely political in this duology was a fun change of pace. nina with the dead in the factory and the girls who are being BRED and pumped full of parem. so messed up but so intriguing. also why is jarl brum back this man just doesn’t disappear does he.

nikaloi and zoya. look tbh, in the shadow and bone trilogy, i felt robbed of nikolai’s character coz of the demon, and it is still happeninggggg. a lot of his pov was taken up by isaac (rip miss u), but i just want him!!! i want to see more of him, which i think i will get in rule of wolves. it just feels like i keep getting him stolen and his chatacter isn’t getting a chance to develop enough. but nevertheless, the plotline for him with the darklings demon magic still in him was interesting and very harry potter-esque so i loved that. felt familiar. andddd now the darkling is back in yuri? i hope he is tbh, i never wanted him gone to begin with.

i want to also add that i liked the addition of the saints in the fold (especially since i just read the lives of saints as well, very insightful) butttt why did juris and grigori have to die ): elizaveta really just pulled a 180 and betrayed everyone.

i am looking forward to reading the final book in this universe and i’m praying that it won’t disappoint (surely a 5 star somewhere???)

this is a series that i will 100% recommend despite it not being a 4-5 star series. the world and characters have stuck with me, but i feel like after committing for 9 books (now on 10) that’s bound to happen
The Island by Natasha Preston

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not going to bother with a long review for this book. was entertaining throughout and super easy to read, binged most of it in one sitting. the characters were all distinct and fleshed out enough for a ya mystery. i have no complaints with 90% of it.

but the ending?? that was the laziest, most disappointing ending i have read. what was the point? there were so many things that could’ve been done?? i had many theories and hyped myself up with suspense just for it to fall so flat. so pointless.

i tried to read this without predicting anything because usually with ya mysteries it’s easier to guess the reveal or “whodunnit”, and i will say i definitely did predict this one but wasn’t even mad about it really. like i said, the ending just made me pause and say “are you serious?” and put the book down in shame.

on a more positive note, the atmosphere was really fun. i love the amusement park setting and would like to read more books based in this location. also, malcolm reminded me of willy wonka with his long coat and strange way of speaking, so that was fun.

overall though, the book is mid and forgettable. enjoyed it while i read it until the ending, and that’s about it.
The Story of Doctor Dolittle by Hugh Lofting

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this was so fun!! i wanted to read a fun easy book to complete my reading challenge for this year (25/25 done wooo!!) and will say i was pleasantly surprised

i have never read doctor dolittle books as a child, but have seen a movie for it once when i was younger. this was meant to be a book i randomly pick off my shelf and read and that’s it but now i kinda want the whole set to binge it all
The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor

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3.5 ⭐️

i received this as a gift from meva who annotated it for me, and i honestly think that having it annotated is what made it more enjoyable to read. i was thoroughly entertained throughout the entire story, the pacing was ideal, and there were times when the writing had me pausing to soak it in. 

however, it this the most amazing thriller/mystery i have read? no. the structure of it i can appreciate, but the huge chunks of info dumping at random points while not answering any other questions started to irritate me a little bit. it was fun, but i usually have more fun with little reveals here and there or more misleading situations rather than a million questions with 0 answers. 

the characters really reminded me of the cast of ‘it’ (the newer movie), and i enjoyed that. the setting was very stranger things x it, and personally i loved the vibe. certain character relationships did feel very stephen king coded (nicky with her weird rev dad reminded me of beverly and her dad from it) 

i wish we got more of mr halloran (halloween), because it feels like his character was a little bit wasted. there was more that could’ve been done. i honestly wish he was wrongly imprisoned instead, and had some sort of release redemption at the end. the ending felt a bit rushed. also i think i missed something here but who drew the chalk throughout the book??? (i know eddie did it for the body, but who did it on the driveway and at the funeral??) 

mickey was awful, hoppo was my fav (can’t even be mad at that he killed mickey), fat gav im kinda indifferent to (im sorry for your legs gav) 

EDDIE on the other hand… this man is so weird and as much as i feel bad and sad for the memory loss allusion at the end (anything alzheimers breaks me), him stealing the head and STILL KEEPING IT- nah see. my pity goes away. 

overall this was a fun time, i enjoyed reading the annotated version. i would still recommend it for a quick fairly easy adult mystery/thriller
Check & Mate by Ali Hazelwood

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3.5 stars

while reading this, i had a really good time. it was exactly what i needed going on holiday, didn’t have to think too hard either. it was a fun plot with a few rather significant scenes i think would be meaningful particularly for a younger audience.

however, let’s get the cons out of the way. picking this up as a “YA” romance doesn’t really feel fitting with the amount of swearing and sexual references. personally i’m fine with it, but recommending this to younger audiences is a bit iffy since normally ya doesn’t include nearly as much as this.

also the number of references to pop culture doesn’t click with me, but that’s not just with this book. in general, normally i find them to be cringey and i get bored of them. maybe for a different audience it would work, but not for me.

the relationship (i liked nolan don’t get me wrong) weirdly felt shallow. take chess out of the equation and what’s left? i felt like everything about them was linked to chess which didn’t give enough substance. their third act conflict even was so bland. it was not nearly as big as a deal as mal made it to be, which fell a little flat. i will note however that i loved oz giving her a slap of reality at her doorstep. respect.

nolan and mal did bring out important aspects of each other, moreso nolan with mal, but even then it wasn’t enough for me to really root for them. he reminded her of her passion for chess and indirectly helped her rebond with her family… then what? it didn’t feel impactful enough for me.

besides all of these negatives, i still really enjoyed the story. i know nothing about chess, but found it fun to go along with the story and the moves and the history. the side characters (we love defne because turkish like me) were fun, even the disgusting ones (koch, gag) added a lot to the story.

i would recommend this as an easy quick read, but the amount of romance in this is definitely less than a regular romance novel. also the relationship kinda went really slow but fast but slow? we didn’t get much of nolan but suddenly he is so infatuated by her? it just felt a bit disconnected and he doesn’t feel developed enough as a character. maybe dual pov would’ve saved that

regardless, cute fun read and it served its purpose
It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover

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this book is everything i wanted.

atlas and lily

.. and josh HAHA

i honestly loved the plot of atlas having a brother he didn’t know about because i love found family and the way lily emmy josh and atlas bonded together gave my heart happy bubbles.

ryle still pissed me off (pushing her against the door, texts, and overall grumpiness with atlas). i know everything would be hard for him to take but he still hasn’t changed. i hope he would in the future.

atlas is too perfect. i teared up a thousand times, mushed, had butterflies, everything. he’s such a perfect soul and it makes me so sad.

tim! atlas taking josh to tim to let him decide on his own