wanderlustlover's reviews
3001 reviews

Echo: Black hole by Terry Moore

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I'm a big fan of the fact you have to have side-effects. Nothing is perfect, and especially when you play with Science and God, you end up with Reactions. This one is all about reactions. Childhood and love and survival are all ramping up, testing us on what is important and what isn't and what defines something. Skin? Time?

I literally can not wait (except for having to) for the conclusion in two weeks.
The Ultimate Nomtastic Paleo Thanksgiving Survival Guide by Michelle Tam

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Another great beauty of paleo Thanksgiving, and I'm super grateful for the fact Mrs. Tam gave this one out for free to everyone on her email list. I can't wait to try a lot of these recipes, and cheifest among hers in my need to try her Cran-Cherry Dressing. That looks so good and I want to try it/make it now.
Today's Special: Menu Excerpts from Our Favorite Newark Restaurants by Various

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Spring 2018, Audible Exclusive:

This was hilarious and I have to appreciate the love and laughter with which Audible treats itself, its medium, and its best voices.
Yankee's New England Adventures: Over 400 Essential Things to See and Do by Yankee Magazine

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Thank to Editors of Yankee Magazine, Rowman & Littlefield, Globequot, and Netgalley for the advanced reader copy of “Yankee's New England Adventures: Over 400 Essential Things to See and Do” for an honest review.

My life has always been this interesting treatise to a love of New England. The only child of my family to be born and still living in Texas, my maternal family has been spread from Michigan through Maine for all of my life, and while the lion share of my life has been spent in Texas, I have been taking trips to New England for Christmas, Fall, Summers off and on since before I can remember (and I continue it currently, with trips to Massachusetts still for family and friends).

As such, it was impossible not to request this guide when I saw it slide across the options for review in upcoming months. It riddled with recommendations for off-the-beaten-path, whole-in-the-wall, long-time-favorites, in all the corners of New England you could wish to delve in to.

The guides is helpfully broken down with each state (Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont), and then even further in every section going into Essentials, Spotlights, and Top Events. I will definitely be getting myself a copy of this, half for the love of the area and half for the novelty of probably bothering my family to go say any number of things the next few times I’m up there.
Eat This Poem: A Literary Feast of Recipes Inspired by Poetry by Nicole Gulotta

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Free Netgalley ARC for an honest review.

"I came here hungry, I came here wanting," read the lines of a poem in the very middle of the text, putting poetic word to the feelings that had crescendoed in my blood on the receipt and opening of this text as someone who delights deeply in the arts of both poetry and cooking. This book should be enjoyed first, not in a kitchen, but in an armchair with a glass of red wine, curled up close to the pages.

When I first saw the synopsis on this book, I can admit I expected it to fall flat of any meager expectations, but it is divinely decadent. Each section starts with poem, and then there is a page following it discussing the meanings, emotion, imagery, and usage of some kitchen artifact from within that poetry. Then the recipes that follow it are in the perfect line for matching both of those.

I appreciated with relish and surprise, the section on tea (and I plan to try for this Earl Grey delicacies already) and the one on eating alone, and how that, too, should be relished with shameless gluttony and the same winning celebration of anything afforded a group. This books is an endless array of glittering jewels, for the mind and the palate, and I cannot recommend it enough.

To close with words from a poem in it, as well as open, "Don't wait. Bite in."
A Cart Full of Magic: Your Secret Supermarket Shopping List by Ileana Abrev

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Thank you to Ileana Abrev, Llewellyn Worldwide Ltf, Llwellyn Publications, and Netgalley for this advanced reader copy of “A Cart Full of Magic: Your Secret Supermarket Shopping List” for an honest review.

I madly loved reading this book and have been looking for something like this for years. Something that breaks down how to do the simplest and most complicated of correspondences with the simplest of ingredients that could be found at any grocery store through the year, any florist, and even already inside all the cupboards of your house.

I will be picking this up as soon as it is published, and gifting it out to certain friends come Yule this year.