viragohaus's reviews
237 reviews

Body Language: Poems by Elizabeth Allen

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At Winton
News from home
Wet Sunday afternoon
Two years on
I lie down
I do not know what shape
Your life
Walking to Greenwich Baths
Storm and Honey by Judith Beveridge

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A superb collection from Judith Beveridge, poetry at and beyond the water's edge.
Greg McLaren's review is considered review is well worth a read:
1969: The Black Box of Conceptual Art by Ann Stephen

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'Presentness is grace' Michael Fried
Ann Stephen's central essay is a model of art historicity - the concisely particular in service of tracing out the broader currents.
Island 135 by Matthew Lamb

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A considerable collection of non-fiction beside which the included fiction and poetry pale somewhat.
Highlights include:

- Geoff Heriot's Blurred Vision, a fascinating case study in managing change based on Heriot's time as an ABC employee seconded to the South African Broadcasting Corporation.
- editor Matthew Lamb's meaty, challenging interview with Tim Dunlop, author of 'The New Front Page: New Media and the Rise of the Audience'
- Ruth Quibell and Damon Young's interesting survey of how a range of writers manage their private lives and workloads.

The design of Island, with a plus-magazine format, is also a great display case for the art of Roger Ballen (whose 'Blinded' provides the cover image) and Leigh Hobba -amongst others- as well as being a beautiful object in its own right.
Gorse (No. 1) by Susan Tomaselli, David Gavan

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The overall tone is enjoyably discursive and lightly erudite. Highlights include fiction from Matthew Jakubowski and Joanna Walsh and essays from Darren Anderson and Richard Kovitch.
A Novel Idea by Fiona McGregor

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First thought best thought rarely works this well.