A useful read, but I'm not ready to properly sit down and study the Welsh language yet. I'm happy to passively pick things up. I think I found this book quite boring as well. It's an adaptation of an OU course, so it wasn't the best format to read.
After relishing his novels over the years, the time finally felt right to tackle Matt Haig's non-fiction. I've personally steered away from it, as I'm a sensitive sausage. However, I'm immensely glad I finally took this on. January is infamously blue for most people - post Christmas, post New Year, holidays, reuniting with family, the electric joy of shopping centres...😉 A pick-me-up seemed fitting.
Haig sporadically tells the heartbreaking story of his lowest point in his early 20s. Nearly making an irreparable decision. Following this is all the of the life he equally endured and enjoyed. Interwoven between entries are guides, advice, and perspective. Lists of the tantalising and torturous. His retelling is palpable and gut-wrenching. Yet the writing is still his trademark open-arms, accessible, direct, and warming.
I would recommend this book if you are interested in advice, another point of view and information. It covers depression and anxiety really well and is something everyone could benefit from reading. Or if you're in the mood for an excellent memoir! 👏🏻