vanmeers's reviews
491 reviews

Jeg anerkender ikke længere jeres autoritet by Glenn Bech

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den kan sikkert noget for nogen men for mig er den utrolig overfladisk — selvom der ER dele jeg godt kan lide. men overordnet føles den mere som en bog for ens mor, så hun måske kan forstå hvordan det er at være en hvid homoseksuel mand i danmark. 

og så er der også kritikken af hvordan transpersoner, nonbinære og tildels kvinder bliver næsten tvunget ind i en ikke eksisterende kamp mellem dem og glenn. som føler sig trådt på, at de måske tror de her det værre end ham? 

anyway, jeg tror glenn bech kan lære lidt mere om intersektionalitet og at der er flere nuancer end ‘heteroseksualitet versus homoseksualitet’ såsom køn, handikap, psykiske lidelser og hudfarve med mere. der alt sammen former ens identitet og den måde hvorpå samfundet behandler en. 
Universal Harvester by John Darnielle

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i was really intrigued by the description of the book and the idea of video tapes being returned with random scenes spliced into them? but while it does start out with this, it doesn’t “take a dark turn” as the description says, but rather it baits you into thinking it might. 

it’s less an eerie and sinister tale and more a story on grief and family trauma. which WAS good but it wasn’t what i expected. 

i think it’s always interesting when stories try to make you question your own believes and assumptions. which the story does both implicitly and explicitly at times. so while this wasn’t what i thought it would be, i still very much enjoyed listening to the audiobook of it. 
Kannibalen by Johannes Lilleøre

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jeg ved ikke hvad jeg forventede, men nok ikke dette? men wow, hvilken story! 

lydbogen var fantastisk at lytte til, virkelig levende på alle punkter og det gav et nyt “spin” på historien. 
At performe transkønnet vrede: digt, oversættelse, essay og fanfiction by Gry Stokkendahl Dalgas

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en perfekt kombination af essays, digte, oversættelse og fanfiction centreret omkring frankenstein og det at være transkønnet. 

jeg er ny til poesi, men queer poesi giver virkelig bare så meget mere mening end klassisk poesi. og hele den her samling er bare perfection imo og jeg var virkelig vild med valget at blande de her forskellige tekster sammen i en samling. 

som ciskønnet (og en person hvis queer venner ikke er danske) kender jeg absurd lidt til at være transkønnet i danmark og det danske system generelt. så det gav virkelig også bare et godt og lærerigt glimt ind i, hvad der sikkert er en minimal del, at være transkønnet i danmark. 

100% en anbefaling til alle at læse den. 
Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin

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it being called fever dream is so on point. it absolutely feels like one all the way through. especially listening to the audiobook? 

i literally don’t know how to rate this. it was confusing at this, but that felt very intentional and definitely added to the overall story and the feelings it invoked in you. 

like i definitely enjoyed the fever like dreams, the lead up to something being revealed and the feeling that the narrator is in a dream like  / death like state. i definitely didn’t get the david part and the whole ‘transferring souls’ (?) so idek 
The Sunshine Court by Nora Sakavic

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i will never beat the aftg fan for life allegations i s2g these books mean the world to me 🖤🖤🖤🖤 

tsc was everything and more!!! 
Grey Dog by Elliott Gish

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Grey Dog is a literary horror that explores womanhood and queerness in the early 1900s. What it is to be a woman full of trauma, rage and grief — and to feel longing for another woman but unable to act on it. 

It’s absolutely beautifully written. It’s atmospheric, and despite being written like journal entries, it still manages to make you feel present in the story. It’s as if you’re there, with Ada, experiencing it all first hand. 

There’s so many things I loved about this and it’s one of those books you just gotta read to fully experience it. It starts off slow, but it’s very intentional, and it makes the story so much more impactful as you follow Ada into her madness without realising it. 

I would absolutely recommend it for people who’re into literary horror, sad queer stories and The Witch (2015) vibes. 

/// Thank you to ECW Press and NetGalley for the ARC and to Elliot Gish for writing something that hits you so deeply.  
The Pisces by Melissa Broder

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i didn’t love this as much as death valley — maybe this was just too long? maybe broder hits harder the less pages she’s got? either way, i was not as hardcore invested in this one. 

i did, however, love lucy a lot. she’s not a likeable character, she’s not meant to be, but she feels very relatable at times with how she can’t deal with her own emotions. how she’s constantly making wrong choices, ruining things for herself and generally harming herself and others around her. mental health issues isn’t pretty and broder hit that spot on with the pisces. 

there was a lot of back and forth, lots of fishy merman smut, which i wasn’t actually that invested in lmao but some of the sexcapades were hilarious (when she prepares herself for anal for the first time?! truly an experience listening to that on the bus) so i think i would’ve liked it more if it had been shorter and more to the point at times!