Adorable take on tarot. While ever a student of tarot, and in that I am always interested in how others read- I am wary of ‘beginner’ books. Only bc it is frequently the same regurgitated information, time and time again. This however, was a fun, adorable,and informative take on tarot reading. If you love tarot, you will enjoy this book.
A solid oldeeee, but goody book on numerology. However that is on the basis that it is mostly information regarding figuring out your personal numbers, and how they apply. Very in depth and valid studies. while there are tarot cards discussed with their relative number, i feel if you are looking for a book on numerology to enhance your tarot practice and you are a beginner- this would make things more convoluted. If you are novice in tarot, I would start with something more straight forward. Something that focuses on numbers and their inherent meanings, which you will immediately be able to apply to your practice. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and would recommend it to delve deeper into numerology for self reflection, and study in general.
A great thriller, with a well done podcast element, and of course… I’m always down for an unreliable narrator ☺️🤙. I enjoyed the way she fleshed out the characters, twisting the likable ones into their true ugly shapes, giving you pause with those you initially found not so palatable, showing you things aren’t always so black-and-white in a very skilled way. Also- grandma was my favorite. She’s really just the best. If you’re looking for a well done thriller/small town murder mystery, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. I will certainly be picking up more work by this author!
Brilliant! I cannot sing the praises of this book loudly enough, why did I wait so long?!
This book hits the ground running, and will have you tearing through pages, until you realize you’ve finished, but it’s 3 a.m. and you don’t have the other book. So word of advice, buy them both immediately.
This was the five star, epic fantasy I have been waiting for all year. Old Gods, brutal Viking battles described in gory beautiful detail, the threat and pursuit of vengeance weaving throughout.
The amount of times I gasped out loud, or kicked my feet in joy at a prose in this book…made it worth it. The way things started falling into place during the last 1/3 of the book was just magical. Truly, gwynne is a master of his craft. This book leaves you on a cliffhanger, but simultaneously leaves you satisfied- idk how. But it is true.
I read this as a book club pick. So definitely not something I would’ve chosen for myself, which is exactly why I’m in a book club I guess!
I love a fairytale retelling, it’s always been one of my favorite tinnngs! This just wasn’t my cup of tea I’m afraid. I do enjoy YA, and even a good middle grade… But I found this just lacking. It especially did noooot make sense in the love department, and the pacing was a bit off, making certain things too obvious to truly enjoy the reveal. It fell quite flat, for me personally.
I found the romance immensely frustrating, because there really wasn’t any romance at all, but we were expected to be invested in this pair. Nothing made sense. There is a young prince behaving like a young prince… Every one wants to go to the ball with him, but he wants to go to the ball with the one human who doesn’t (would he like her the same if she had agreed straight away?)? He keeps relentlessly pursuing her, but we’re given almost no reason why whatsoever. She just keeps rejecting him in their very short interactions. Her feelings and obligations at least makes sense… his has just come across as I want the Exactly one person who is rejecting me with a burning passion despite our lack of actual conversations that contain any real depth? Nah. BUT It was fine, and not painful to get through- just not my type of book.
I know people love this series, so don’t come for me 🥹
While I did end up liking the way things wrapped up, it was a bit of a rocky go to begin with. I found the writing a touch clunky, and hard to get used to. First person is difficult to write, Robin Hobb is a good example of it down well. I found myself getting lost in the FMC inner monologue that would be stuffed in, ultimately fragmenting full, spoken sentences. By the time the sentence is at its end, you don’t even remember how it started! I did get used to the writing style, and found it less difficult to follow, but no less cumbersome, as I read on.
Ultimately, it was a fun read, and I will try her second standalone following this. I would’ve liked the book to be longer and more fleshed out. There were so many interesting people, and places I would have loved to learn more details on. The magic system was creative, and i would enjoyed seeing more of it- especially after the main story wraps up! But I suppose that’s just my inner epic fantasy girl talking. I would not call this quite enemies to lovers… But If you enjoy a fantasy romance, where a cold (and emotionally wounded obvies) man slowly thaws and gives into love…this is for you. Very happily ever after, and satisfying ending.
Omgooorsh what a ride! Such a departure from the other D.C. I have read. This unfolds like a found footage documentary, and you get multiple character perspectives. This not only leaves you with bated breath at the end of most chapters come mid-book, but it makes for a truly fun (and at times super gross) read. I have been dipping my toes in the horror genre, and I found this very beginner friendly.
While I would have liked more character depth, there was enough to keep you either seething or rooting for someone. She wrote Todd all too well…I’ve known this man, and it just gave me the shivers each time we were on his chapters!
While definitely not cozy horror, it’s a casual fun horror, and I would definitely recommend it!