Read it when you are craving for some Mystery between some heavy books.. although you can guess the Killer easily.. But yes not how Poirot did it.. With all the clues leading to it.. No you can't do with clues, you can only guess.. For clues have to read this.. Very quick read and light too
. Raw Writing is commendable no doubt But there are many triggers . Trigger warning : Description of sexual assaults are repeated And many curse words And definitely sad and emotional . Third star for the climax.. 👆This I wrote in my Goodreads review yesterday and today I realised while discussing the book with mom (mom has also read it long ago) that it was kind off filmy. Like the guy is totally useless in the whole book and in the end Bam ...(won't say the spoiler) The book was ok. But I can't bear the 4 page description of Rain.. Also it's total fiction I think many things are over exaggerated (Like specially to make people feel it) Along with rain there is too much description of nature and surroundings. . Why do the editors and publishers don't want people to feel the Indianness Why can't they used local words For example Ghee, why to change it some English name to attract foreigners. Infact when more Indian words will be used it will feel More Indian and it will be like knowing Indian culture why can't they do it that way and then add glossary and there write that Ghee means Purified butter. . When a book is based in a particular country they should have the Indianness which will make foreigners read it and to know the culture more deeply. . Now have you ever seen anyone translate the meaning of "Tiramisu" so that everyone in world will understand it ...? . One more example is "Charsobees" and here the charsobees doesn't mean 420 the number, it means a cunning person...but They wrote 420 in the book.. Now tell me will someone who is not Indian and is reading it then will he get the meaning by reading 420...infact he won't even get the meaning by googling 420 .. . I mean why ...? Please use Indian words for Indian slangs & local words and explain it in Glossary .. . Explaining what happend after independence in 1947 in a particular village where news were news reached rarely and how police did not act and how the minds of villagers changed with slight provocation was a good thing in the book . And yeah I was scared like what will happen in end I was relieved that I didnt happen but actually that thing happend in reality and
It was shameful to read that part of History. It was also one massacre in those times of partition that lost most lives.. There are things which are over exaggerated and there are things which were important to be shown and were totally ignored. And that book is Indian classic... What more I can say I know it's a fiction but when it's historical fiction let's not show half history (Few things which Indians did were excluded from the book, maybe he might have faced criticisms for it, I don't know his reasons but then it seems half baked story)
. What I think is this book is pretty famous for its bold language .. And even after being Bold it doesn't speak much about the reality . You can read the book as fiction don't consider the it for real facts ..
Ok The first half of the book was total weird It felt like we are reading a drama (little bit romcom too) After second half few things were happening In each chapter Yet it was slow but fast then first half The end was little satisfactory Yeah only little Like it has half satisfaction As for shock thing nothing was shocking was predictable enough Even the killer was predictable and their reason . Trill element was too less It was like nothing Actually I don't know what should have been the genre too. Also seems like Name has no relationship with the story ...only that there is marriage so guest list. . I also understood why this won the Goodreads choice awards for thriller It is for that small satisfaction I felt in the end.. for that people voted it.. . For a regular thriller I don't think this would be great book but it was ok For someone new to thriller it's fine like they can give 3-4 stars. . First half is too slow And no thrill Rather than scary it was creepy the things people did. Those things felt stupid . Trigger warning : Bullying, Toxic relationships (undue advantage, blackmail)
. 'Love can be a very frightening thing.’ ‘That is why most great love stories are tragedies.'
- Agatha Christie . Yupp it was perfect read for February... . This book shows the Bad side of love and also the crazy side and yes ofcourse there is good side of love too.. . I want to tell many things about the book but it's better that I don't As anything about the story would be a spoiler. . Also I strongly suggest don't read the blurb. . In last two Christie's books which I read I didn't read the blurb and that way I was much more interested. And yes I don't read Mysteries slowly. It's not possible specially in last few chapters I am in so much hurry that I might skip many things.. (I reread last few chapters again later on). . Ok the book it was really good. I enjoyed it.. I made a guess about the murderer even before the murder was committed and sadly this time I was right But ofcourse I didn't know how the murderer did it All the thanks for that goes to Poirot. While reading I was think why isn't Poirot pointing to that person (coz if he points at someone openly then that person is definitely not the murderer) and I was hoping continuously that someone else should be. . But still the planning and all which Poirot came to know... Obviously we can't find all that .. And it was all brilliant the planning and the psychological analysis by Poirot about the characters was brilliant too.. . Also there are so many likable characters in the book. It was good read with vast variety of characters and other small crimes with the murder too.. And many more love stories formed in the whole journey even after such a incident. . Everything added to the beauty of the book... . And I am still thinking about the end.. It does make us think. When the murderer was caught it doesn't make us all joyful even though we knew they were wrong.. . There are so many emotions going on in my mind right now.. Don't know what more to say.. . Thank you for reading guys. Do read the book guys .. . This I read for February prompt " For #readchristie2021 challenge hosted by @officialagathachristie