theqissilent's reviews
1059 reviews

Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

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Ok, its a little heavy handed on the messages about feminism and gender roles, and the FAIL of pop culture. And yes, the girls are caricatures, but that's to be expected. But, any book with this much sarcasm, satire, and plain on humor is a winner for me. Loved it! In the end, I see nothing wrong with each of these girls findng themselves and being who they wanted to be, not what others expected them to be.
Down These Strange Streets by George R.R. Martin

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I'm glad I checked this out from the library instead of buying it. Only wanted it really for the Lord John short, which was okay.Probably would've been better had it been a full length novel. But I really like John Grey as a character (and loved the little glimpses of Mr. Fraser we get from John's dreams and thoughts). Tried reading the Charlaine Harris entry, but didn't hold my attention.