theghostreader's reviews
44 reviews

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

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Not a big fan of JK at all. I hate to say that i’m rereading these books in pride month because I love and support trans people and I HATE the comments JK Rowling has made. (I just got sucked into a reread and now I can’t stop). Great books, terrible author.
Go Ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks

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I know it’s fictional and I don’t wanna be rude lol. But, i’m giving it one star cause the science is kinda all wrong?? (I mean yes this is the 1970s so not exactly reflective of the current drug crisis of opioids and amphetamines) but it doesn’t really make sense that her drug of choice would ultimately be LSD or weed. LSD and marijuana aren’t addictive, and given that she tried a bunch of other drugs (like meth and heroin) it seems as though she should have instead lost control over those. But it was actually pot that she was addicted to the most? It just kinda lost me. Too much fear mongering over (objectively less dangerous) drugs and not enough of the real truth. Pot wasn’t her gateway into the world of drugs, her loneliness and mental illness was.
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman

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A cool concept of modern witches dissolving into weird porn