theartisangeek's reviews
708 reviews

Lumberjanes, Vol. 3: A Terrible Plan by Grace Ellis, ND Stevenson, Faith Erin Hicks, Shannon Watters

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I’s have to say that this is definitely my least favourite one this series. I didn’t like the ghost stories and so I actually skipped over this comic and came back later to finish it.
Lumberjanes, Vol. 6: Sink or Swim by ND Stevenson, Kat Leyh, Shannon Watters

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I’m tearing through this series, sooo good. I love the representation and this storyline is very interesting! RIPLEY IS THE CUTEST THUNG!
Lumberjanes, Vol. 7: A Bird's-Eye View by Kat Leyh, Shannon Watters

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As usual, very enjoyable! Also, the magical kittens were AWESOME!!!
Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful by Arwen Elys Dayton

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This book was really good, you would do yourself a disservice by not giving this book a try.

My video review will be up soon :)
The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried by Shaun David Hutchinson

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Don't want to say anything yet about the book, but can we just talk about how attractive the cover is?

What a story! It was a (at times bumpy) ride! Will be posting a video review on the publishing day on my youtube channel: The Artisan Geek

My review is up on my channel! :) You can find it here.
Mera: Tidebreaker by Danielle Paige

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Review will come two weeks before the publishing date :)
Teen Titans: Raven by Kami Garcia

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I enjoyed this a lot! Full review to come, two weeks before the release date :)
The Art of War by Sun Tzu

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I'm read this several years ago and I don't think I had the capacity to comprehend this book very well. So I'll keep from rating this book until I reread it.
Moonstruck, Vol. 2: Some Enchanted Evening by Grace Ellis

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My review will be up on the 19th :)

I had hopes that the second volume would be less choppy than the first one, but sadly I was disappointed. The comic felt really scattered around with subplots it was sometimes easy to forget what transpired an issue or two beforehand. Despite this, the illustrations as always were really nice, so I will therefore give it a 3 stars.

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My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

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I made a video review for this book: review

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