the_ya_assassin's reviews
377 reviews

The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala

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I absolutely loved this book! The world-building was fantastic and the characters had depth. It was adventurous and witty. Enough problems and snark to fill my plate and have me on the edge of my seat. Overall, one of the top three books that I have read (so far) this year.

ALSO - If you liked/ loved the "Throne of Glass" series by Sarah J. Maas, this book is for you.
Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young

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There isn't a single thing that I don't like about this book. It was beautifully written and had an amazing plot. Plus the subplots that caused things to happen (enemies to lovers montage), not knowing where you quite fit in, and everything you know being turned upside down. My favorite parts had to be the kick butt battles and the heart-eyes moments. Favorite character had to be the girl with fire in her, Eelyn. Absolutely love this story and can't wait to read others by Adrienne Young.
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake

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The anticipation for the Quickening Ceremony is unbelievable. I loved learning the emotions and thoughts of the sisters and Jules. And that twist at the end . . . Perfection.
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

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This is an awesome book! I was begging for more by the end!

There were a couple of reasons I didn't give this a solid-5 stars. First thing was all of the YA Fantasy tropes included:
1) Parents are dead
2) Enemies to lovers
3) Forgotten/ missing royalty
The other thing was it was really hard for me to get into the book. I have a problem with skipping over what I deem "unimportant words" and was unable to do this so I was really behind in this book (I set a date to have it finished by, usually 2-4 days).

Other than that, I loved the Jude's power and cunning, Cardan's cruelty and charming, and all of the other characters' traits (there's too many to write about). I loved the world (I mean, what kind of fantasy lover would I be if I DIDN'T like fey).
Triton Vârisi by Anna Banks

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A nice sequel from Anna Banks.

I liked the new adventure and Emma opening up about her abilities. I also liked that we found out more about Emma's family. I needed a little more heat between Emma and Galen though.

Overall, it was a good book.
Scythe by Neal Shusterman

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This a great book! I believe all of the hype for this series now!

Okay, so this story follows that of two teenagers (one from both genders). They are chosen to be apprenticed by a scythe after all of the introductions (the first 100 pages of the book, I think). Then, they are challenged to kill the other (whoever actually becomes a scythe kills the other). Those are high stakes, if you ask me.

It was a tale of anarchy (the Scythes and the Thunderhead), immortality (to all those living in this future Earth of our's), necessary deaths (to keep the population low), danger/fear, and a little romance (between our two main characters).

It was very fascinating and highly recommend this as one of those YA "classics" to read (like Hunger Games, Divergent, Twilight, or Eragon).
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

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"Fear is only the enemy if you allow it to be."

I totally understand the hype for this book now! I've heard so much about it from book box companies, here (on Goodreads), and even Amazon/B&N/BAM!!!!!

I finally moved it to the top my TBR, because I FINALLY got my first Fairyloot book box ordered (August's) and "An Ember in the Ashes" was one of the fandoms being represented.

And OMG, I'm so glad it was! I didn't realize I NEEDED this book as badly as I did. It was *chef's kiss* PERFECTION!!!!

First of all, the world was very immersive. The rules, punishments, and problems were all clear to me. I loved the fact that there wasn't just one antagonist, that there are high-stakes, that there are some invisible foes. Dark things are going to happen in the next book - I just know it.

Secondly, the characters were awesome. Not only were they 3-dimensional, I felt for them. In fact, I felt LIKE them. I am already rooting for Laia and Elias or even for Laia and Keenan - I honestly don't care, as long as they save Darin.

Thirdly, Sabaa Tahir's writing was lyrical and enrapturing. The way the words flowed . . . I can't even begin to describe all of the amazing things I noticed about them.

If you love any YA Fantasy, you HAVE to read this book.
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia

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3.5 stars*

It was a good book.

Things I liked:
1. The intrigue
2. The obvious differences between the two groups (rich and poor)
3. The locations
4. The characters
5. The ending

Things I don't feel were needed:
1. I don't have anything against lesbian couples, but I just don't prefer them.

Things I didn't like:
1. Little detail. I needed more information to create a clearer picture in my mind.

It was an okay book. I will read the next one (mostly because I already have it.) but also because I want to see where their story goes.
На трона се възкачвам by Kiersten White

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This sequel to "And I Darken" was much better than the first book. I still have a problem with the small amount of dialogue and VERY large amount of details (long paragraphs of details), but it was better. It is goes into the history of Constantinople and the Turks deeply (if it is true - I haven't checked).

Good things:
1. More action
2. Better plot
3. More diversity in the tale

Things I did NOT like:
1. Long paragraphs of details - it felt like the characters were droning on. And on. And on.
2. Radu - I don't normally NOT like characters, but to me, he is REALLY a wimp.
3. The fact that Radu never admits his feelings to Cyprian - if the author was giving us a new ship, she should have completed it!
Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff

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An amazing ending to the Nevernight Chronicles!

It had everything I was hoping for - big battles, assassinations, a little romance. All four types on conflict were represented:
1. Character vs. Self - Mia was questioning whether or not to go to the Crown of the Moon.
And who she loved (Tric or Ashlynn)
2. Character vs. Nature - Storm and Fire goddesses were attacking.
3. Character vs. Character - Mia stormed the Mountain and she had so many foes by the end
of it, I was surprised she didn't die before her quest was complete.
4. Character vs. Society - Mia didn't like the way the Republic was set up, so she tried to kill
her father, who was the leader trying to become a king.
I was happy with the ending, but I also didn't like it. I was kind of morbidly hoping that Ashlynn would be alone and Mia would not return. Alas, she did, which was also a good ending.

It was an awesome book and I recommend this series!!!