the_afterword's reviews
505 reviews

The Dinner List by Rebecca Serle

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✍️ QUICK SYNOPSIS: Five people - living or dead - that you can have dinner with; who would you pick? When Sabrina arrives at her 30th birthday dinner, she finds her list of five waiting. As the meal beings and the wine (oh, so much wine) is poured, Sabrina starts to see that there is an even bigger reason they're all sitting there together.

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

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✍️ QUICK SYNOPSIS: Red bloods vs Silver bloods. Were you born a poor commoner (Red blood) or an elite with superpowers (Silver blood)? Mare Barrow is seventeen and is a Red blood - thinking nothing in her life will change until the day she is sent off to war. Until one day she gets a job working in the Silver Palace to find that all may not be what it seems. Mare finds herself with unknown powers and quickly becomes a part of the Royal Silver Court. Can this Red blooded princess navigate through the treacherous Silver world alive?