This is the first book in the Shadow Bound Queen series, and is inspired by Norse mythology and Vikings. Sexy fae Vikings do I need to say more? It has Hades and Persephone, Beauty and the Beast vibes, and is slow-burn enemies to lovers fantasy romance with a burn-the-world-down-for-her male. The series builds in steam and is filled with magic, myth, and delicious tension it's a trilogy and has a lot of twists and turns. Are you ready for your next adventure?
This could have been a really good book, but it it wasn't for me. The premises were captivating, I enjoyed the atmospheric setting of the book. The gothic dark academia vibes had me intrigued. And the research of the book was interesting. But I really couldn't get behind the rest of the story. It was so wild and far fetched it was in my opinion way to much.
An intriguing set up for a captivating story to come? I hope. The world building is easy comprehensive and a lot is happening story wise but it feels like everyone is just getting into place before the real story begins.
It's very hard to describe what exactly my opinion on this book is. I thought it was a cute puppy love story. The main character Danielle is a college student and she is still living at home with her Grandma. ( I love the grandma she is inappropriate and witty such a cool character). The couple is generally still very young and immature (she is embarrassed about her period) But there are themes that are pretty heavy and dark and there is a explicit fun time scene. It doesn't really feel cohesive. And the epilogue is just wild the married after a year. They are basically still children. That was so weird to me.
A cute Romcom. Childhood friends to lovers by forced proximity. It's sweet and cute. I love the found family. There's just this send of community and togetherness through out the book.
Back in Hallows Cove. This is such a Hallmark town, but with monsters. I really love the world that this story is set in. This is such a sweet romcom but with just the right amount of spice and story. I loved that we got to explore more of the village and meet so many different characters. I'm a big fan of chicken ❤️
This was a gripping adventure. This story has two timelines, one is now, Nora works at the museum and her passion is restoring old weapons. Her newest antiques have a language on them no one has ever encountered what a marvelous coincidence that she just met a language professor. Nothing worked out like she thought and now she is being targeted by shadow monsters. The other time line is when the weapons were last used. This story sucks you right in, it is completely action packed and fast paced no dull moment in sight.
Thank you to SC Grayson and Haus of Fable PR for the chance to read an early copy. All opinions are my own.
This book has made me feel like throne of Glass did, and I never thought I'd have that experience again. The main female character is a snarky, witty, sarcastic, deadly, highly trained, manipulative, princess that has an abnormally traumatic childhood and has lost everything including her family. Snowlin has severe cptsd with a very realistic representation. She wants revenge for what was done to her and her siblings. She is clever, adaptive and has made some very intriguing plans. Oh and did I mention the shadow daddy? He is hot as hell. The tension, the yearning...
It's very intricate on so many levels, the characters, the story, the lore of the gods, the landscape . The story has twist and turns and will have you thinking you are clever had have everything figured out and then bam another twist.
This story was a mix of King Midas and Cinderella, if Cinderella was also a assassin and had no moral problems with killing people.
I'd say that was one of my main problems she kills guards left and right with out any remorse. Those are people. They are only doing there Jobs ( some are legit bad but those are not the ones I'm talking about) and as soon as the king turns one of the guards into gold she is all like what a monster how did I ever like him how could he do that. He killed him because he harms a child. He had a very convincing reason