yaguchi's first year as a geidai student and things are looking ROUGH but i like that by the end of it, he gain a little something out of it. that this isn't the end all be all.
I always find that with every memoir I've read (so far), the best ones tend to be the ones that left me feeling gaping. Something that has never been more true than when I read Hijab Butch Blues. This is a memoir that tenderly weaves the different stories of prophets in the qur'an with the life of Lamya, who's navigating through the complicated knots of existing as both queer and muslim; a constant conflict--both externally and internally--of faith and identity. Lamya's writing is the kind that pulls me into the body and mind of when I was younger too; very confused, very conflicted, and very queer. But as do any children at the age of barely seventeen, I didn't quite have the words to describe it. It's always an honour to be able to be let a glimpse into someone's world and I've felt that to be true with Lamya's book. I think, in her need to tell her story and let others feel less alone, she has accomplished that beautifully here. It is a book that holds you by the hand or resting a hand on your shoulder, reassuring you that you are not alone in this journey. I've felt held and seen through every single page.
i went a little ham with tabbing and highlighting certain parts throughout this read. this simplified book is super helpful in providing anyone an understanding of what's going on in shakespeare's plays. because old english is...something. let alone a william shakespeare play.
what i enjoyed most from reading this is how it pointed out some interesting things about how certain words hold different meanings at different points of time. just an interesting reminder how language has changed over time!
this also makes me want to rewatch akira kurosawa's "throne of blood" for the nth time. and i shall!