tashasbooked_'s reviews
588 reviews

Elysian Fields by Twila Gingerich

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Thank you to the author for gifting me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! 

This book sounded like everything I would like, I’m a big fan of sad girl lit fic and this definitely fits into that genre and there was a lot about it that I enjoyed and resonated with. 

I think the portrayal of Imogen’s mental illness - specifically anxiety disorders (as that’s something I can relate to) was done really well. I also really enjoyed the sessions Imogen had with her therapist, there was a lot of great, thought provoking dialogue.

I do wish the characters were a little more developed, it was very one note and I wanted to know more about Imogen outside of her mental illness, I felt like the only thing I knew about her was that she was mentally ill which is so unfortunate as I think she is a deeply layered character with a past that could have been explored. 

I also love a book with flowery prose and quotable moments, I did find there to be too much in this book though and it took me out of the story at times. 

Overall I’m glad I got to read this book, I think Twila did a good job for her debut and I look forward to seeing what she does next!