targrhaegar's reviews
177 reviews

El túnel by Ernesto Sabato

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 Lo tuve que leer cuando estaba en 4to año de bachillerato (2016) y qué experiencia tan desagradable fue.

No soporto al personaje principal. De hecho, lo odio. Tiene la peor personalidad que he visto en toda mi vida. Realmente odié leer este libro. Lo podría considerar como una tortura incluso. Leer los pensamientos del personaje principal, que ni me acuerdo cómo se llama, tampoco me importa, me hizo sentir mal. No sé cómo explicarlo, pero su personalidad me hacía sentir mal.

No me acuerdo siquiera de qué va la historia. Sé que el personaje principal era un artista o algo así, y un día en una plaza se encuentra con una mujer y como que se enamora de ella. No sé. Creo que al final incluso la termina matando.

De verdad odié este libro. 
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

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 Oh, wow, I just remembered that I read this when I was 12.

I think I finished it in two days. I remember I decided to read it because a bunch of girls at my school kept talking about it. And then one day when I told my friends that I had read it they were like ''WHAT??? ARE YOU INSANE??? EVERYONE, ISABEL READ FIFTY SHADES OF GREY'' and some people who were sitting next to us were like ''*GASP* WHAT THE FUCK.''

I do remember enjoying it, so that's why I'm giving it 2 stars. 
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

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 2020 O.W.L.s Magical Redathon

Career: Potioneer.
Class: Arithmancy.
Prompt: Read something outside your favorite genre.

What I liked:

* High school setting.

* House parties.

* Story told through letters.

* Short sentences.

* Doesn't have useless and irrelevant descriptions.

* It was a fun and enjoyable read overall.

What I didn't like:

* I found all the characters a bit annoying.

* Way too much drama and tragedy. I guess I don't like drama in books but I LOVE it in TV shows.

* I HATE it when a character is shy, awkward and/or introverted but wants to socialize more so all of a sudden they get a bunch of friends and start attending parties, drinking, doing drugs, smoking and having sex. I just really hate it. It's like they change their entire personality.

* Not every single teenager ever has sex, drinks, does drugs and smokes. Seriously. It is very possible and realistic to have teenage characters that don't do these things.

* I kept picturing Charlie as an 8 year old. I just feel like Sam and Patrick talked to him like he was a little kid? 
Like when Charlie told Sam about his dream. The way she reacted and told him to not think of her in that way really made it seem like he was just a little kid who has a crush on his babysitter or something.

* Another thing that I REALLY hate is when characters keep analyzing everyone around them, wondering if they are truly happy.

This didn't actually happen in the book, it's just an example:

Character is at the park and sees a group of people sitting, laughing together and having some ice cream. And so this character has an internal monologue where they wonder if these people are as happy as they look right now or if they are hiding behind a mask to fit in. They're just having some ice cream. It is REALLY not that deep at all.

I don't know if this makes sense but I feel like Charlie kept doing this throughout the book and I just hate it. Live your life, stop analyzing everyone. Just stop. 
Matilda by Roald Dahl

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2020 O.W.L.s Magical Redathon

Career: Potioneer.
Class: Herbology.
Prompt: Title starts with an ''M''.