Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
had my doubts starting this story. it started quite depressing and got mor sad allong the way. However in the end it found gilpouwer zelf reliance and growth by our main caracter. She chooses herself wich is a very dificult thing to do.
I loved the first book but found the second book a challenge. I wanted so much to get back to the challanged lovers. Not to get back to the mean egocentric child women. However her mind is the key to all the past they know. So halfway i did start hoping she would let her burdens go. The author does write some hopeless situations and tramatised caracters geesh. But in the end there is some feeling of hope and contentment for the new life they all embark upon.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I loved this book. I am a great fan of the Rayberer duologie an was exited when i was approved for an audioversion of the maid and the corocodile by netgally. The narrator sets a wonderfull vibe wile we return to the magical world the author created in her duollogie based on African storys and fairytales of her youth. We meet Small Shade that has not has an easy live. Born with a skin condition she has lost her mother too yong and was injured when working in a paper mill. Now aging out of the orphanage she is looking for a job. She has some rare gifts of curse breaking and sin eating that get her in trouble when a lovable gecco comes and asks her for help. We revisit some much loved side caracters that are wonderfull main caracters in this story about self reliance, classisme and bettering yourself however is possible to you. I was realy charmed by this story an it is a stand alone tale. Hovever, if this world sounds good to you maby start withe the rayberer duologie. This book does revisit a lot of the plot of the duologie and if you wat to read that it might spoil the plot for you on that read. Over all loved the book. Happy reading!
About Only A Monster; A hero that hunts monsters must sound like a nightmare from the point of view of a monster. What do you do when the world you live in is not what you thought it was. When it turns out nobody in your world is exactly who they said they were and everyone has secrets. When you go on a quest with a rag tag lovable bunch of characters who can je trust and who no.
I was immediately on board with this point of view and the twist of the story. Who is the villain and who is the hero and in the end was your perspective actually right or is it all a matter of your point of view?
Never A Hero; this is an excellent continuation of the series. the relationships with people are different and not. who can you trust and who not? questions i had after book one are answered but more questions arise. The first question i had after finishing this book was; when does book 3 release. Alas unfortunately i could not find the answer :(
Hoping i will not have to wait for too long because I am really enjoying these characters and this world
It is extreamly interresting how it feels like old afrikan/nigirian folk tales were the inspiration for this great fantasy book. Ik almost veels like a retelling or modern fairytale. But i dont know enough of these tales to be sure. It is compassionate, hopefull and empowering and i am looking forward 2 reading the second book.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Like the stoey and reprisentation of the flawed main caracters there are frequent sex sence so if this is not your thing be awere of it. If you liked the series of the gentlemans guide to vice and virtue by Mackenzi Lee you might like this one although that series is less explicit.