swc's reviews
27 reviews

Original Spin: Misadventures in Cricket by Vic Marks

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informative lighthearted reflective medium-paced


A great cricket book, which was very well written. On downside was I thought his opinions on his commentary colleagues was a bit politically correct. Everything else was funnily enough very gripping.
Done Deal: An Insider's Guide to Football Contracts, Multi-Million Pound Transfers and Premier League Big Business by Daniel Geey

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Almost patronising with its obvious details. Learnt so very little. A tedious book. 
Over and Out by Henry Blofeld

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informative lighthearted relaxing slow-paced


After a slow start the book became fascinating as well as very evocative. Well worth the read. 
Elizabeth I: A Study in Insecurity by Helen Castor

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informative slow-paced


Certainly a much better read than Mary 1st, he predecessor. It’s meant to be brief  but still ended up with too much detail on mundane matters and not enough about her style of reign. 
Get Shirty: The Rise & Fall of Admiral Sportswear by Andy Wells

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informative reflective sad medium-paced


A very evocative book. Lots of memories of time gone by.  A decent book. I almost wanted a bit more detail of the latter years of Admiral which seemed to have skirted by. 
Mary I (Penguin Monarchs): The Daughter of Time by John Edwards

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I’ve read sever Penguin Monarch books and this is the worst by far. 99% was about religion. Learnt virtually nothing about Mary l. Very disappointing. 
Underworld London: Crime and Punishment in the Capital City by Catharine Arnold

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challenging dark reflective medium-paced


Blimey this does get a bit gorey. Needed to be as it’s a story that needs details. 
Mostly keeps you interested.
Amazon Unbound: Jeff Bezos and the Invention of a Global Empire by Brad Stone

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informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Very interesting. Incredible how he grew so quickly. Amazing story. Not that I was particularly enamoured by him. 
WW1: A Layman's Guide: A Short & Straightforward History of the First World War by Scott Addington, Scott Addington

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emotional sad tense medium-paced


As it’s about WW1 it concentrates too much on France and Belgium. 
The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History by Boris Johnson

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informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Very well written book, really outlines what an incredible man the workaholic Sir Winston was.