whenever i’ve described this book to someone they say “oh that’s a very rachel book” and they are correct. this is a sci-fi prison abolition dream sequence giant love story and i think it has changed me forever. the first section of the book is so crowded, so crammed, so claustrophobic, i didn’t think i could push through the discomfort. i’m so glad i did for what was waiting beyond, and for the greater appreciation i now have for the skill it takes to create art like this. i don’t know how pip can write in a way that is so dreamlike and yet so solid and so grounded, so still and yet so alive.
really fun and compelling! overall i really enjoyed this, although the last few chapters felt a bit waffly and it wrapped up a bit too neatly for my preference, and i found most of the dialogue incredibly awkward. i appreciate the inclusion of documents, letters etc in pessl’s books, it really helps build out the world very convincingly without overdoing the exposition.
soooooo underwhelming. we never get any insight whatsoever into alex’s past or how she ended up in this mess. she keeps making the worst decisions possible. the whole thing felt completely hollow and i didn’t care what happened to any of the characters at all. sometimes the writing was good in terms of flow and composition but that’s about it
i have never stopped thinking about this book in the 10 years since i first read it. then, i liked it, i thought it was interesting and well written, but parts of it were still a mystery to me. this time, i recognise its masterpiece quality. despite the highly emotional content, this book is a study, a rumination, methodical. the prose is gorgeous, as you’d expect from a lyricist such as darnielle. it’s an examination of the boredom and isolation of youth, of living your present life alongside the ghosts of the people you used to be. this is one of those books i wish i could read again for the first time.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
the author really thought he was cooking with this!!!
early on there were signs i maybe shouldn’t have bothered but i was willing to overlook those for the promise of mystery and creativity. i shouldn’t have. the promise that it centres on librarians in charge of different catalogs is basically irrelevant. it glorifies weaponry and military tactics which it tries to hide beneath a thin veneer of dark academia tinged horror/fantasy. it was a constant barrage of weapon names and makes that completely took me out of the story. i think the author thinks it’s cool? or something? i do not agree.
i’m very willing to let things go largely unexplained in fantasy if the mechanics hold up under any amount of scrutiny. the justification for the mechanics in this basically amount to “physics or whatever” or “don’t worry about, i had to study for 60,000 years to understand” no!!! insufficient! lazy!!
then there’s the lazy, simplistic depiction of women AND rape!! re: the first s.a. scene, i quote:
it wasn’t pleasant, but neither was it as bad as, say, her homecoming banquet.
!!!!! utterly callous and out of touch.
i gave it 1.5 stars towards the attempt at originality, it was buck-wild and impossible to try and explain, but i don’t especially care to anyway.