stitchesandpages811's reviews
657 reviews

The Tethered Mage by Melissa Caruso

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I don’t even want to guess how long ago it was that my friend lent me this book, but I can finally say I read it. And really enjoyed it. It does perhaps read a bit young, but I liked the characters and the plot line. I don’t always enjoy a heavily political book but something about this worked for me, although I would have liked the story to move on a bit quicker at times. 

I’m really pleased I finally picked this up as I had a good time. I’m also happy that I can take the book as is so I’m not currently desperate to read books 2 and 3. But then again, never say never! 
A Fatal Truth by Faith Martin

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Format: Audio 

Another fun and easy-to-listen volume in the Ryder and Loveday series. I’m running out of ways to describe them, but they’re a consistently enjoyable read. 
Threadneedle by Cari Thomas

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Format: Ebook/Print/Audio 

I think this may be the hardest book to rate I’ve had so far this year. I’ve been looking at this book on my shelf every month since it first published thinking I really must read it. The release of the sequel in June finally gave me the nudge to do it and sadly I just didn’t love it as much as I wanted to. 

The premise is intriguing and the characters well fleshed out, but it was 200 pages longer than it needed to be. I enjoyed it but it was a slog to get to a point that I was really invested and couldn’t put it down. Fingers crossed the sequel starts on a slightly better note for me! 
Mindwalker by Kate Dylan

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Format: Ebook 

I read this for my work book club. I don’t read a lot of sci-fi so I was quite apprehensive but the premise sounded interesting. I’m really glad I read it as I had an enjoyable time. It was an easy read (which was helpful given I read most of it between 10pm and 1am the night before our book club meet!) and it kept my interest throughout. I’m not sure I’ll read the companion novel but for a gentle introduction to sci-fi it worked really well. 
Murder on the Dancefloor by Katie Marsh

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Format: Audio 

Another enjoyable time listening to everything Jeanie, Clio and Amber found themselves getting caught up in. I did feel like this book was very heavily Jeannie-focused where we got more from each of our three main characters in the last, but that makes sense as this is her story. Again, it was a bit predictable at times, but it was also laugh out loud funny and I thought it was great. 
A Court This Cruel and Lovely by Stacia Stark

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Format: Ebook 

I picked this up while on our honeymoon looking for a fun and easy read after seeing it recommended by multiple booktubers I follow, and I had the best time with it. I was obsessed and absolutely flew threw it. 

I liked our MCs, loved the slow burn romance, and enjoyed the plot. Ok, it was possibly a bit tropey and you could probably guess where it was going but who cares. I was hooked and loved it enough to immediately buy the rest of the series. 
A Kingdom This Cursed and Empty by Stacia Stark

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Format: Ebook 

I picked this up immediately after finishing book one and it retained so much of the things I loved about that book. I didn’t enjoy the plot of this one quite so much hence the 4 stars, but I am still completely hooked on this series. The cliffhanger had me on the edge of my seat for book 3, but having heard that it’s an even bigger one between 3 and 4, I’ve managed to restrain myself from reading into it until I know I can jump straight into book 4 when it comes out at the end of this month. 
A Dawn of Onyx by Kate Golden

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Format: Ebook 

Another one that I picked up as a mood read while on our honeymoon, and I’m so glad I did. I was intrigued by the world building and am interested to see how the relationships between our MCs develop. I do think this book was big on the build-up, so I’m excited to see what happens in book 2 (which I definitely didn’t order ready to be delivered pretty much as soon as we got home, oops). 
Song of the Six Realms by Judy I. Lin

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I was really intrigued by the premise of this story, but unfortunately it just didn’t quite do what I wanted it to. While the world building was great, this did result in quite a slow-paced story and it didn’t quite move fast enough for me. I kept finding myself putting it down and focusing on other books. Overall though, it was enjoyable and I’ll definitely read more from the author.