stardustpelin's reviews
487 reviews

Shutline by KYOU

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 His name is J.A.K.E G.I.L.L.I.A.N <3 
 Shin, you’re so lucky 
The Library of Shadows by Rachel Moore

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When I see a paranormal ghost fantasy with dark academia vibes I expect more. 

The teenage high school girl we all know meets a library ghost who is trying to get back to life. The Book of Fades is the key to all. 

Mateo and Este are great. And this book is beautifully written. But I've read too many dark romances and now I look forward to see some red flags. Where are they? Mmc is mysterious but kind and caring while fmc is intelligent and patient so she's carefully listening and answering to people instead of having a personality crisis. I'm not used to reading soft books hahahahah

But the wait is too long. I wanted Este to bring Mateo back to life earlier. He did his waiting for a long time. But finally when the resurrection time came it was after 90%

If the side events were more interesting, maybe I wouldn't find it boring, but I found the romantic and mystery elements missing.
The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker

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dark tense


Im not in the mood for writing a review because that book made me feel sick. The writing and the plot were so successful. But now I’m mentally exhausted. I think that was exactly what Clive Barker wanted me to feel after finishing this book. Amazing. 
Night by the sea by Euga

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 Amazing. Mesmerizing. The first season ended so quickly! 
Pearl Boy by Zoy

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 Thank you for the memories. I’ll cherish all of them. Even the heartbreaking ones. I’m thankful for Doshik. The greenest flag ever. I’m so emotional now. Ahh what a roller coaster of emotions… 
Wet Sand (웻샌드) 1 by Doyak

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 I hated the love triangle! Ian and Jo can get together I really don’t care about them anymore. TJ deserves to be happy. I support only TJ