spav's reviews
378 reviews

A esmorga by Eduardo Blanco Amor

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Mellora en forma de teatro.
Guía del autoestopista galáctico by Douglas Adams

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Como tantos libros levados ó celuloide, difire da película, inda que neste en concreto os dous manteñen, por separado, un agradable pouso de delirio sci-fi humorístico.
Introducing Quantum Theory: A Graphic Guide by J. P. McEvoy

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Interesting way to explain how the quantum theory was developed by a bunch of re-markable brains.

It's an amazing real history of one of the most important topics on modern physics.
Cuspirei sobre as vosas tumbas by Boris Vian

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Achegueime a Vian buscando subversión. Non a topei. O sexo e alcolismo adolescentes non me supoñen nada alleo.

Nembargantes, topei unha atmósfera sureña, un sabor a cactus, area e calor plomizo moi gustosos, cousa que topei en moi poucas obras musicais, cinematográficas e escritas.

Unha delicia breve.
Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis by Herbert Marcuse

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A pain on the ass. Marcuse was not made for human reading, just for boost his own ego.
La Odisea by Homer

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Homero relata el que puede que sea uno de los primeros grandes dramas jamás contados. Una vez leído el libro me he dado cuenta de la brutal influencia que ha tenido esta historia hasta nuestros días en todo tipo de narraciones desde películas hasta teatro.

Quizás uno de los mejores sabores de boca sea conocer las más enraizadas referencias de todas las grandes historias creadas por el hombre con el paso del tiempo.
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume

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This book has two different views for me. First of the views isconcerning the contents. On it, Hume unleashes his tremendously abstract mind to tackle the 'understanding' of concepts, the concept of 'ideas' and the process of 'thinking' itself as well as digs into the concept of the skepticism. He does so in a tremendously deep, detailed and very ornamented style, even though he uses some lines to praise against this kind of philosophy, in my opinion he falls in the same trap (maybe is just I'm not used to way to use the language to express ideas in that century).

The other view of the book for me is the intense and deep study that Peter Millican gives us in this edition. Dissecting every part of the book and putting it into matter and time in few pages. Perhaps the best from the book is this study, that makes easier to understand Hume's mindset.