sobremesa's reviews
80 reviews

On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl on One Beautiful April Morning by Haruki Murakami

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As they sat and talked, however, a tiny, tiny sliver of doubt took root in their hearts: Was it really all right for one’s dreams to come true so easily?
A Country Doctor by Franz Kafka

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"Não, liberdade eu não queria. Apenas uma saída; à direita, à esquerda, para onde quer que fosse; eu não fazia outras exigências, a saída podia também ser apenas um engano; a exigência era pequena, o engano não seria maior. Ir em frente, ir em frente! Só não ficar parado com os braços levantados, comprimido contra a parede de um caixote."
The Woman in the Dunes by Kōbō Abe

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a leitura é /tão/ chata, e a história não é tão impressionante o quanto promete.
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender

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terrivelmente chato. a escrita é fraca e não consegue de maneira nenhuma envolver o leitor, e a premissa acaba sendo infinitamente mais interessante que a história em si, visto que sua execução foi feita de maneira preguiçosa. o final acaba sendo surpreendente, mas não interessentante: o leitor pode não o esperar, mas também não se envolve com ele.
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez

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 Even a year after reading it, I find it still feels too audacious to attempt any commentary on the book. The intricately woven world and the delicately crafted family tree of the Buendía family, resembling a spider's web, never cease to amaze me. I made a conscious decision to read it slowly, and it turned out to be the best choice. I firmly believe that it's impossible not to love this book. The characters, the story — everything is so charming and engaging that finishing it feels like a vital part of me has been torn away.
It remains my all-time favorite, an essential classic of 'magical realism.' The characters' quirks and the philosophy woven into the story are truly enchanting. Even after a year, it still gives me goosebumps, occupying my thoughts every waking second. I am still profoundly affected by it, and I always will be. I can't express enough gratitude for having had the opportunity to read and enjoy it.
The only downside is the pain of finishing it, of knowing there won't be another book quite like it. But hey, it's still awesome!