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snailfood43's reviews
203 reviews
Det forsømte forår by Hans Scherfig
Dark academia anno 1940. Hvor er det fint at skolen foranstalter en så solid vrangforestilling om dens vigtighed og hæder at det medfører et mord som forløber uden konsekvenser i dens mikrokosmos. Jeg nød at læse den men jeg savnede lidt mindre udskæring i pap af pointerne, for eksempel var der sætninger som "De unge disciple lærte om blah blah blah latin tysk etc Men Måske var der noget de ikke lærte🤔" og det er sådan lidt. Vi forstår det godt. Jeg er glad for at jeg ikke skal analysere den i dansk i hvert fald, for den virker en lille smule bogstavelig for mit analytisk utrænede øje. De skulle også have dræbt oremark btw.
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
Since my edition has reading comprehension questions I will attempt to honor them by answering one
12. What do you think Remarque was ultimately trying to say about the war?
Answer: bad
12. What do you think Remarque was ultimately trying to say about the war?
Answer: bad
Young Mungo by Douglas Stuart
AMAZING BOOK. So alive and textured... So terrible....
There's No Such Thing as an Easy Job by Kikuko Tsumura
- Flaws of characters a main focus? No
There's a specific style of writing where the narrator seems so matter of factly about every event that they cease to have a personality. And I find that so hard to read. Like there's no texture. It's pertinent to compare to convenience store woman especially since the main character is the same exact age and the writing style seems similar and YET. I liked combini girl much more??? I'm actually struggling to articulate why I didn't like this book as much so someone tell me why when they implement comments on storygraph...
Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves
Really good. Glossed over some parts because there were so many names to keep track of but such is real life. But the last part did drag. Due to the lack of war.
The Complete Stories of Leonora Carrington by Leonora Carrington
Boring books where nothing happens challenge the attention span but so do fast-paced books where something new and nonsensical happens every other word. For this reason I found it a little hard to read and remember anything about for this review. The tether to reality was too flimsy for me at times but i still enjoyed some of it. ***TURNS INTO A BEAUTIFUL HORSE MADE OUT OF ROTTEN MEAT WITH LONG FLOWING WHITE HAIR AND GALLOPS AWAY TO GOOGLE LEONORA CARRINGTON SHORT STORY ENDING EXPLAINED YOUTUBE***
The Only Way Is Up by Carole Matthews
I remember reading this bargain bin book as a child and I trawled lists of chicklit authors to find it again. Pretty captivating but also Way too feel good and Horatio Alger even for a feel-good novel. Like the least they could do is get shitty jobs at first and then end up with the mickey mouse organic produce jewelers later
En shopaholics hemmelige drømmeverden by Sophie Kinsella
Fascinating Millenial period piece of a truly deranged and mentally ill woman who fulfils her delusions. Also makes me feel less bad about spending 600 kr on buying vitamins online after deliberating for only 15 minutes.
It's All Absolutely Fine by Ruby Elliot
Pretty good but suffers a LITTLE from the fact that weird phrasing and spelling for comedic effect either hits or misses badly. But I believe ruby propagated this style of humor first and it has since weakened in the hands of other, less funny people, so it's not her fault. Magical Edith why yes she is. I like the biographical sections and don't find them too dark, would actually have liked more concrete detail because it seemed a bit like a helicopter view at times BUT WHO AM I TO PRY........