I really liked Dani’s advocating for women that were victims of abuse. She’s part of a secret organization called Nightingale that helps get women out of abusive relationships, sometimes getting them out of the country so they may start over. Her friend Elise was also involved but had started her own thing which resulted in her death.
Elise’s brother Marcus is convinced Danielle knows more about his sisters death than she’s letting on. He ends up discovering their secret goingons. He admires their bravery in helping these women but he’s also concerned about Dani’s safety after what had happened to Elise.
I feel like about halfway everything was coming together and I remember being like well what’s going to happen for the second half. They’d already gotten together and had figured out who possibly had killed Elise, the only thing really left was to catch the killer. But I did enjoy the characters and the romance.
This was cute, it was fun. It feels more like something you’d read just for the vibes of the season not really for any plot.
I do feel like if I’d full on read it physically I might have liked it a bit more. It took a bit for me to get into and idk if I missed something in that spot but the romance felt kind of insta-lusty to me, like we’d just met and then a few meetings later we are full on making out. And they both were trying not to come on too strong to the other despite constantly obsessing over them. But I liked the setting and the nosey town and the characters were fun, these two just might not have been the ones for me.
And for it saying it’s a spicy small town book the spice didn’t really happen till the end of the book and then it just stayed.
I was not expecting things to go the way they did. Here I thought I was signing up for a fun little reunion book (with the chance of some more serious stuff) and I had the rug pulled right out from under me.
As the years have gone on the girls have drifted away from each other a bit which is to be expected. But then Tibby (who’s been the most distant, not just from literal distance) organizes a reunion trip. They’re all so excited to get back in touch and hopefully respark their friendship but things don’t go according to their hopes and dreams.
I did appreciate that they were all kind of a mess 😂 It was refreshing to see them all struggling as they were nearing 30. I feel like in a lot of books the characters seem to have most everything figured out and they just seem so perfect.
I feel like out of all of them Carmen seemed the most together, her acting career was going alright, she was engaged, she seemed to have a good relationship with both of her parents. But her fiance was kind of annoying and seemed to only care about image and what he wanted out of the relationship. She was also repressing a side of herself with her acting, they didn’t want her to be pigeonholed as Latina so it felt like they were trying to make her appear more white (kind of giving Evelyn Hugo) to “help” her career. I feel like she became to focused on acting that she let her other hopes and aspirations fall to the side.
Bridget…I feel like she was the most lost. Girl was just bopping around. She didn’t know what she was doing with her life, she wanted to move every 5 seconds. I’m amazed she was somehow still with Eric and hadn’t gotten bored of him or him tired of her. The Eric storyline always felt a little icky but idk I liked him in this. She up and left him in the middle of the night and yet he still was willing to help her out and provide more help than she asked for when she came back. He was really feeling that “if you love someone set them free, if it was meant to be they’ll come back to you”. I did like where her storyline ended up (but also feel like I need an epilogue to see if she’s coping well).
Lena felt the most relatable. She had a good job that she liked well enough. She was getting by well enough. She preferred to stay in solitude and disliked when the phone would ring. She had a guy she liked well enough that made a mean sandwich 😂 Lena was existing but that’s it. She had nothing to strive for, nothing inspiring, she was just getting by. Which, as I said, feels the most relatable. Lena’s life was like a fork in the road, one was was safe and predictable and the other was the road not taken of possibility.
Tibby was the most mysterious of them all. She was still with Bryan and they had ended up moving about as far away as they possibly could to Australia which was only meant to be for a few month which turned into a few years. Her leaving is what kind of stalled all their friendships. They felt weird doing things without her because it should be all four of them together. Things just weren’t the same without her there.
This book dealt heavily with grief and how that affects everyone differently and also makes you reflect on your own life, where your life is heading.
This one was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed the romance and the characters and can’t wait to see more of everybody in future books. Was a little disappointed there wasn’t more horses 😂 but maybe that will change with Wade’s book.
This was like the tv show Revenge but as a YA book and I was here for it.
Frances is one of three people that survived aboard the Persephone but her story of what happened is vastly different than the story the senator and his son are giving about a wave capsizing the boat. Frances knows what really happened: they were attacked by men with guns and everyone was murdered. Frances assumes the identity of Libby, a girl who managed to escape with her but died before being rescued while they were adrift at sea, and begins down a path of revenge. Because she will uncover the truth one way or another.
Entertainment value was a 5 star. I lowered it to a 4.25 for a few reasons. First being Libby’s father is the one to suggest she take her identity and then you’re telling me this man gave up on uncovering the truth?! Also I wanted evidence of them trying to dig up the truth between the four year gap, I wanted to hear how she trained in self defense or took some kind of weaponry class to prepare her. The next thing was Frances/Libby decides to start putting pressure on Gray to find out what happens and I was like okay we’re gonna start out small ease into it but she was like nope gonna go right for “I remember people with guns”. I think we could have worked up to that. And lastly I wanted a little more from the epilogue.
But aside from that this was a fun, quick read that really reminded me of Revenge and why I liked watching that show.
Finally picked this up to finish off the series…and it’s my least favorite. I don’t know if there was some spark missing from the main couple or if I just didn’t like them together or if I was a bit overwhelmed by the other storylines going on. It felt less like their book than everyone’s.
Toby was kind of just a simp for Bel after he got over his revenge plan but he couldn’t commit to the one thing she wanted from him until something happened with his mentor. And Isabel wasn’t how I thought she’d be, she was like the complete opposite which I don’t think tempered out with Toby’s personality. And she was always going on about morals and doing the right thing and kind of shaming him for just doing something to please himself or her cause there are others out there that need things more than them. Like I’m sorry, he wanted to get you some ice cream cause it’s a sweet little treat and you’d never had it but you refused cause the sugar may have come from a place with slave labor but you don’t even know for sure. He was sweet though and ended up finding an alternative to the sugar problem but like why’d she have to turn everything around on him.
I was obsessed when Lucy was on the page though cause her book was my favorite.
This was so much fun, definitely checking out the authors other books. I was so taken with these characters and their chemistry. It was almost a 5 star but Sebastian could not get over his he needed to marry a proper duchess problem till his mother was like your father wouldn’t care go marry the girl.
This was not what I thought it was going to be. I was expecting a thrilling game but so far it’s just been rather slow. The last task they had to do was a little risky but not enough to keep me reading.
Plus I’m listening to the audio and tell me why Lauren Oliver thought it was a good idea to have two characters named Matt and Nat, I never knew who they’re were talking about.
I really enjoyed seeing Lou’s journey throughout these books. I feel slightly conflicted on what to give it cause I did enjoy it but there were parts I feel like dragged a little, whereas book 2 my feelings were all over the place but I gave it a solid 4.
I didn’t particularly like how the storyline with the lady she came to be a companion for ended. One moment you’d think Agnes was going to finally stand up for herself and express what she wants and then the next moment she’s letting you get thrown under the bus while slightly cushioning your fall.
And the American version of Will was a little weird. And he also ended up being kind of an ass.
The real kicker though was Lou’s relationship with Sam. He encouraged her to take this job in New York, that it would be good for her and that they could make their relationship work but then he doesn’t really want to write her any letters or even an email while they’re apart. And then when he comes to visit the whole weekend is ruined cause he gets food poisoning but at the end he feels better and wants to spend time together now with no regards to the fact she has to go back to her job. Like oh well you should be late now that I feel good. And he disregarded her concerns about his new paramedic partner perhaps being a bit too friendly without really taking her concerns into consideration. Like yes was she maybe jumping to conclusions without ever having met her and just cyber stalking her, very highly. But her concerns were valid, this woman was cozying up to him and he allowed it cause “being apart was harder than he thought it’d be.” I had such high hopes for Sam and he really let me and Lou down.
I did appreciate that he did make an effort towards the end when Lily informed him of Lou’s fake upcoming nuptials and that he told her all the things he should have said earlier. I like to believe they got a second chance and started new.
Oh a highlight was the sort of friendship Lou eventually makes with the old lady across the hall. I liked how they both helped each other out when they really needed someone.