shidoburrito's reviews
1533 reviews

Big Hero 6, Vol. 1 by

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Yeah, I was kind of disappointed in this manga adaptation. I'd been warned with some previous reviews, but decided to give it a try. It's nowhere near as cute as the movie. They changed the story up a bit, which is fine, but it was slow and dismal. Anyone else get the feeling Tadashi was a bit suicidal? Oh well, on to better things.
I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

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This book came recommended to me by many many people, and now I must recommend it to many many more. It really is an amazing book. I'm sure there's something in here for everyone, but I could really relate to the main character's and how art plays a part in their lives. It really made me want to go back to take more art classes. Someday! Thankfully, I am not pained with a tragic life to drive me to the brink of insanity to throw into my artmaking...
Nimona by ND Stevenson

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OMG, all of the humor and all of the things I love are in this comic book. Can I give it, like, 5 million stars? And a shark? Seriously, this comic... THE BEST.
Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

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Just as good as the first book! Must read more!
Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson

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An extremely cute comic for pretty much anyone of any age. It is definitely reminiscent of Calvin and Hobbes!
Dexter Is Dead by Jeff Lindsay

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Well.... that's the end, I guess. Huh. What do I read now when I want a likable, funny, murderous character who uses alliteration like it's going out of style?

So, at least Dexter's unfeeling character is back after making some seriously out of character, and really stupid decisions in the last book. Don't get me wrong, he seemed very uncharacteristically stupid in this book too, but just not as observant as usual. Seriously, Dex, I had it figured out 80 pages before you did. Whatever happened to listening to your Dark Passenger and going with your gut? Didn't do much of that this book, and it certainly costs him.

As much as I rag on him for being decidedly dense, and the fact I feel this book was written in a rush so that the author could just wipe his hands of a book series that got ahead of itself, I did feel the ending was appropriate. Look in the comments for more of my review on the end of the book. There will be spoilers.
Noggin by John Corey Whaley

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Oh Noggin, you were so close to being a great book, and then you ruined yourself. The last two chapters held so much hope, so much potential! Then you ruined it.

Travis wakes up after the successful body-swapping surgery and to him it's the next day, to everyone else it has been 5 years. They've all gone through their grieving, given up hope the surgery would happen within their lifetime, and moved on. Travis and the rest of the characters all seem to have a good grasp on what it means that he's back in their lives, except his girlfriend Cate. She has since moved on and is even engaged to be married when Travis comes back. You know what that means to me? She's found a man that she loves and they belong to each other. Apparently Travis can't get that through his thick noggin and that is the main plot to this story, and it SUUUUUUUUUUCKED. So many great parts to this story! His old friend Kyle whom he helps come out of the closet! His new friend Hatton who is always there for him and helps him survive high school all over again! His parents who go through so much to make sure Travis wakes up to a world that he recognizes! But what does the story focus on? The infuriating plot that he is determined to have Cate fall back in love with him and all will be well again. Dude, she's effin' engaged. She is so patient, so kind with him, and puts up with a lot of shit from Travis with his shenanigans to get her back again, it almost makes the character unrealistic. Time and again she makes it known that she still loves Travis and they will always be best buds, but she had to set aside her love for him or else become incredibly depressed. Yet Travis hounds her time and again in situations the author might think are amusing and crazy, but I found super annoying, and extremely uncomfortable. It went beyond the realm of teen angst into intolerable semi-stalking.

And like I mentioned at the beginning, this was a major character flaw Travis had, and it seemed he was actually starting to understand. There's a great moment where he visits his body donor's grave, and this is two chapters to the end, but then he goes and blows it. His character did not develop AT ALL within the months that this book takes place. He learns nothing. And that infuriated me TO NO END. So no more stars for you, Noggin. You had your chance, and you blew it.
Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop

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I think this was the best book so far in the series, and the entire series is AWESOME! Want to read a book that shows the extremes in humanity? Then you've got the Humans First and Last group which you are hoping get what's coming to them. Then there's the cassandra sangue, the sweetbloods, which are so abused and innocent they are child-like and the best of humanity. Plus, it seems the worst of humanity is stirring up trouble with the Ancients, which even the Others are wary of...