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shidoburrito's reviews
1534 reviews
That Is Not a Good Idea! by Mo Willems
I was excited with Mo's new book, but it just didn't have the same zany, cute humor as his other books.
Pale by Chris Wooding
The writing is simple. The story is intriguing and could have been made better with better writing. But if you have a reluctant reader or a teen with a low reading level, I would definitely recommend this book!
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley
A great, colorful and fun graphic novel about adventures in food. It's reminiscent of Raina Telgemeier in the biography-esque story as Lucy learns to love food of all kinds though her mother's talent at cooking anything and her father's love of a good meal. Even fast food is defended as she takes you through her life with food, to New York, Mexico and Japan. There's even fun, illustrated recipes at the end of the chapters. Are you the daughter to a mom who loves to cook? Do you cook together? You really should read this book together. It's cute and wonderful!
Angelfall by Susan Ee
The way I would describe this book is a better written Twilight but with angels. And weird angels at that. There is nothing holy about them, and their habits and vices are VERY human. I loved the main character, Penryn, she was a great, strong, female lead but not overbearing and annoying. Raffe, eh, his descriptors were too much like Edward's and there wasn't anything that made him stand out (well, one bit of information around page 217 gave an interesting twist to the angels in this story). Anyway, if you need a Twilight read alike for supernatural romance fans (and even female fans of Supernatural), I'd recommend this.
Scowler by Daniel Kraus
My first part of this review is a warning: Don't read this while eating. Three times I read this during my lunch break and all three times I lost my appetite. There is blood and gore and it is descriptive. Second warning: it does deal with child and spousal abuse. It is a very, very dark book and really trippy, but as you can see from my rating, I really enjoyed it. The inside flap description doesn't really do a good job in summarizing this book to make you read it. With most of the content being psychological and delusions, it IS really hard to make a summary. So I will compare this book to the writings of, not Stephen King like everyone else seems to, but Scott Smith with his books "A Simple Plan" and "The Ruins". Very good writing, very descriptive and suspenseful but sometimes super icky.
Ancient, Strange, and Lovely by Susan Fletcher
Wow, I don't know what I expected from this fourth book in the Dragon Chronicles, but it was nothing like this! I started reading and as soon as they placed it in Alaska I did a double take. Wait, Alaska? The previous books took place in what I thought was a different world, not our un-magical one. Adventures taking place in countries of a medieval time in some fantastical realm. Nope! At first I kind of balked at it, how dare they take away the magic and wonder of the world we knew with Kaeldra and Kara?! Then, the more I read the book, the more I appreciated it was set in a not-too-distant future of our own world. It brought magic to the very place we live, un-magical and slowly being ruined through pollution and warfare. The suspense was at its best in this book and it was quite the adventure!
Sign of the Dove by Susan Fletcher
Oh good, this sequel to Dragon's Milk, the third book in this series, once again recaptures the adventure and suspense we had in the first book. One more book left in this series. I'm sure I'll finish it quickly.
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
It seems this is going to be a trend for me with the sequels I am looking forward to. I love, love, LOVED the first book and finished it in no time. Scarlet, while a wonderful and fun new character, just seemed to plod along. Honestly, I could care less about her grandma, or the stiff, jolty relationship between Scarlet and Wolf. I wanted more parts about what Cinder was up to! But, like I said, this is the second book in a series, and the trend seems to be that my much anticipated sequels are slow, building, and plod along as stages are set, plots slowly congeal and thicken, and it's all about the buildup for the Third Book Throw-Down.
Black Butler, Vol. 9 by Yana Toboso
And so begins a new arc, which is done Sherlock Holmes style and the death of a main character (even though I don't believe it)?!
Black Butler, Vol. 8 by Yana Toboso
It seems I save up on reading these manga volumes until the Teen Read Challenge every year. So let the Kuroshitsuji binge begin! In this volume we see the end of the circus arc, a lot of dying, and a survivor swears for revenge on Ciel! Le gasp!