shane_the_reading_rat's reviews
1083 reviews

Thirst by Marina Yuszczuk

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started out cool, ended up really boring.
there is a pov change halfway through this book, and i simply did not like it. previously it was from the vampire’s pov (awesome), then switched to this random modern lady who eventually meets the vampire. meh
The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye by Briony Cameron

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yet another banger pirate book
i loved this!! Jacquotte was an awesome mc, i think the plot was well-paced, and yeah the ending is a little idealistic and utopian but i love whimsy and joy
The Last Delivery by Evan Dahm

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genuinely what on earth did i just read
i picked this up at my library recently cause it seemed intriguing and i’d never heard of it. one of the most surreal pieces of art ive ever seen. my god kinda a masterpiece but really depressing at the same time
Can't Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 13%.
life is too short to push myself through books im not liking, and i think that me and cozy fantasy just do not mix. we’re like water and oil.
ive realized while attempting to read some cozy fantasy this year, that cozy fantasy is exactly what i dislike when i watch a tv series: filler that takes up time until the main plot (not to say filler is bad! audiences need time to vibe with characters! im just much more a main-plot, get-on-with-the-adventure kind of guy).
this is to say, me and cozy fantasy: a bit of a failed venture.
How to Read Now by Elaine Castillo

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
i think this book does have important things to say, but its tbh quite overwritten and im really not in the headspace for that currently. + too much millenial cringe and out of the three or so chapters i have read, only one has been about a book. for a book called “how to read now”, that’s not a great ratio.
The Honey Witch by Sydney J. Shields

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
im just not girl or boss enough for this girlboss-personified protagonist. might try this again later, probably won’t.
Swordcrossed by Freya Marske

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 72%.
there is really only so much time im willing to spend listening to one very boring man yap about his family’s wool business.
this just all-around was not for me (i hate to dnf at 72%, but life is short and this has been a slog to read). to me, luca and matti had no chemistry whatsoever, and their only thoughts about each other were just about how hot the other is. which was annoying. i loved matti’s fiance and his sister, i wish they were the main focus of this book and also a lesbian couple :)))
i usually think religion in fantasy books is fascinating, but here it was incredibly boring. in this, there are several different gods/goddesses of various things (and that helps dictate what the guilds and houses are). this worldbuilding could have been so so so cool, but it was super hard to keep track of and really needs some sort of glossary. and this is minor, but: the cursing in this book feels odd? it just doesn’t fit. many of the curses are in the format of “[insert god/godesses name] [insert adjective] [insert body part]” which,, like okay. sure whatever. but one of them is Maya (Matti’s sister) saying “Huna’s dripping slit”, which 1: i feel gross just typing that out. 2: THATS A REALLY FUCKING INTENSE CURSE ABOUT THE GODDESS YOU WORSHIP/WHO IS ALIGNED WITH YOUR HOUSE. like man you say shit like that about Huna and i really see why your wool business is failing. there ive solved the Jay’s business problem.
Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar

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i think that this and The Henna Wars are tied for my favorite Adiba Jaigirdar book (super excited to read her newest one).
i adored both Hani and Ishu (which is rare for me, in dual-pov books!! i usually greatly prefer one character over the other). i thought the writing flowed really well, and Jaigirdar did an amazing job at making me despise Aisling and Dee (though i really need to look up the correct pronunciation of the former, as i am stupid and american™️ and kept mentally pronouncing Aisling as “I-ling”, and i am 100 percent sure that is not correct or accurate at all)
Pearl of the Sea by Raffaella Delle Donne, Anthony Silverston

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this review might not be that good, for i am but a mortal man cursed with the worst head cold known to humankind (my throat is so sore and im bad at coping)

but i thought this was really cute :D loved the setting (never read anything set in South Africa before!!!), and just in general this was really good. im so happy that middle grade books like this exist