sewerhill's reviews
138 reviews

東京卍リベンジャーズ 26 by Ken Wakui

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This is one of my favorite mangas but this final arc,,,, it's dragging on forever and the deaths are so unnecessary and feel forced. Maybe he took too much inspo from watching aot with his son idk. At least there is senju
Sensor by Junji Ito

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Made the mistake of buying this before reading cause I expected more from Junji Ito. Honestly not the worst purchase I've made as the hardcover is very aesthetically pleasing. Idk what was happening with the plot but the art was nice ig.
Uzumaki by Junji Ito

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One of the first horror manga I've read. Art was beautiful in terms of quality. Rarely do I actually get grossed out by any kind of horror but the snails thing towards the end was kind of awful and existentially horrifying so ya$.
Vampire Knight, Vol. 1 by Matsuri Hino

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it was all twilight and dandy until they made it incest....
A Shameful Life: (Ningen Shikkaku) by Osamu Dazai

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I enjoyed this translation immensely. It breathed new life into an already beloved book and was a lovely interpretation. Got shivers while reading.