sbbarnes's reviews
245 reviews

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

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Enjoyed this much more than I thought I would, even if it is a little pompous
The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

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Still enjoyed this a lot. But the pompous thing has only gotten worse, and also I am beginning to fear that part three isn't coming out because Kvothe can Do No Wrong but he kind of has to for this to all make sense. And also the whole forest-fairy-sex-for-days thing that makes him the greatest lover of all time is pretty lame.
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

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Brandon Sanderson is excellent at coming up with original fantasy plots that haven't been seen a thousand times before, and he also has a good eye for character. The romance here is pretty much the strongest he's ever written but that isn't exactly saying a lot.
The Investigation by Peter Weiss

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Read in german
Harrowing. Relentless. Needs breaks to digest.
What Maisie Knew by Henry James

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Didn't move me as much as I expected it to.