sarahetc's reviews
1168 reviews

Good Calories, Bad Calories: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet, Weight Control, and Disease by Gary Taubes

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This is part journalism, part dissertation. Taubes systematically deconstructs the popular "wisdom" of the last 60-70 years in nutrition research and confirms what many people already know: starches and sweets make you fat, not fat. Just being seen reading this book was enough to make people confront me. "That's stupid. Everybody knows carbs give you energy." "Fats make you fat, that's just how it is." And then I got to remind them that I didn't lose almost 200 pounds by eating low fat. If more people read this book, there would be no "obesity epidemic" to worry about.
World's End by Mark Chadbourn

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A decent enough premise, but the characters are thinly drawn and the ending is boring. Not sure I'll get to the sequels. If anybody wants this, let me know and I'll mail it to you.
Mind the Gap by Christopher Golden

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An exciting, quick read that did magical realism / urban fantasy very, very well!
The Law of Nines by Terry Goodkind

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So cheesy, but so Randian! I couldn't help but enjoy it. I'd like for there to be a sequel.
Band Geek Love by Josie Bloss

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Overly-serious and uptight brass band geek falls in love with trumpet player after having her crush crushed by another trumpet player? It's like she's writing my life! :D
Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned by Wells Tower

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This was a great collection of short stories. I didn't realize until halfway through that it was recommended by Michael Chabon, but now, having read that blurb, it's obvious. This was a comfortable, stimulating read. I enjoyed it and I'll seek out Wells Tower from now on.
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

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Yeah, I gave up on this book. I picked it up because it had been recommended to me several times by several different people. Then, when Gabaldon decided to declare everyone who likes fanfiction a criminal loser, I decided to see what the big deal was. What is so good about this book and series that people would want to write such a crap ton of smut fic about it. I still have no idea. The heroine is annoying as shit, the prose is tedious and every single noun has to have at least one adjective. Every. Single. One. Maybe that's why people fic it-- it's easy to imitate and you can just get down with your one dimensional characters, throbbing manhoods and slippery lady channels. Bah.